Enemy or not?

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Hello everyone! Fairun Roseabell here! You guys support me so much and I can't tell you much that means to me! Anyways on with the story!

After everyone calmed down, Lucy sat everyone down to have a serious talk, "Look I'm sorry for the events that happened yesterday. I know Gemini told you what happened to me many years ago."

Evergreen gave her a sad look, "Why didn't you tell anyone else?"

Lucy sighed, "I couldn't bring myself too, even talking about that day is reliving that day."

Laxus glared at Natsu, "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because Luce asked me not to. It was tough just to get agreement to tell Happy. Even when I told Happy, I broke down myself. I never wanted to see Luce in any predicament like that." Natsu said a forlorn look on his face that didn't fit him.

"Talking about such a.... Thing, is hard for anyone. Lucy-Sama I give my comfort." Freed said.

Lucy gave him a soft smile, "Thanks Freed."

"I'm sorry about that night at your apartment then. I didn't think that-" Bickslow was cut off by Natsu.

"THAT WAS YOU?! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO A PULP!" Natsu screamed ready to launch at Bickslow and Lucy held him back.

"Stop! He's apologizing! Look at him! He's genuinely sorry!" Lucy shouted as she pulled Natsu back.

"Even if you didn't know, Bickslow, it's always wrong to touch someone like that." Lisanna said sternly looking calm, but underneath the table she was sharpening a toenail from her cheetah transformation.

Bickslow looked ashamed, "Hey now! Don't be harsh on him! Bickslow is Bickslow and yes it is wrong, but he never means any harm out of it! It's a character that's he forced himself to be. His real self is really caring and even a softie. He acts like that so people run away from him before they can ever get close because of his magic." Lucy scolded the two and Bickslow looked in shock.

Laxus chuckles shaking his head, "That's my Imoto."

Bickslow grinned and stuck out his tongue, "Yep I will never get used to it."

"Anyways is Hera alright? I haven't seen her since the events inspired." Lucy asked and the others noticed she never came back.

"Actually now that you mention it, the lady with a makeover problem, has been missing." Evergreen said nonchalantly.

"Speak for yourself." Bickslow said grinning and sticking out his tongue.

Evergreen was quick to smack him with her fan, "We haven't seen her Blondie." Laxus said snapping his fingers and the two got electrocuted.

Lucy looked crestfallen, "Oh. I was hopping I could apologize to her."

"It'll be alright Lucy! I'm sure she'll be back! She's probably just preparing things for you since you had some episodes with the new magic." Lisanna was quick to reassure Lucy.

Lucy smiled at Lisanna, "Yeah I guess so. Thanks Lisanna."

Lisanna blushed, "Uh yeah sure!"

Natsu, who had started to calm down in Lucy's arms, pretended to struggle once more just to smack Lisanna in the face. Lisanna got out of her chair just to scratch him with her sharpened toe. The two started arguing and Lucy was quick to push them apart, groaning to herself.

"Man they were calm for awhile. So much for that short lived silence." Bickslow said sighing to himself.

"LUCY-SAMA IS NOT YOU TWOS BABYSITTER!" Freed screeched as he started smacking the two.

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