11) "My Stupid Mouth Was What Got Me Killed in the End"

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so uhhh, ik its been two years and I claimed it was discontinued but... here I am :D

basically im back on wattpad bc im confined to my bedroom (pandemic things), committed to my dream college (go brunos!), and senioritis is in full effect, so while I procrastinate on my hw why not get back to this story while im at it. but yeah, I understand if y'all want to like block me and this story and move on forever. tbh I've tried to re edit to make it less cringe, but with no luck. there's just TOO much cringe content to get rid of without completely changing the story and I don't want to change this story too much bc its like an old, nostalgic memory ill look back on. and its also kinda my biggest flex (I have never gotten over 1k views on anything...) so im like why not just continue. so here goes :)

ill explain more after this chapter if u care to stick around lol. but yeah, its gonna be kinda cringe because im still trying to make up for the plotholes 6th grade me decided to include... fun :D but enjoy!!

- chapter 11 - 

We entered Boss's office in complete silence, my mind racing with every possible way Boss could successfully kill me the very place I stand. I was truly testing my luck, me entering the Mafia in only a few days and managing to 1) get targeted by a top class assassin and have a huge operation created to save my dumb ass 2) be somehow related to some weird teenager (who's a top class assassin?) with a katana 3) annoy Boss more times than anyone still breathing had.

"Maria. Remember when we had that interview and I asked you if you had a spouse or an ex spouse and you claimed some kid named, what was it, Bob, was a former partner. But you assured me he wasn't affiliated with any Mafia?" He asked me, his eyes tracing mine for any hint of disloyalty.

My eyes widened, as I realized that my pathetic lie came back to bite me in the ass. My cheeks turned red and I laughed nervously, "See..."

"Are you also aware of Class 12: Silencer's name explicitly stated on a birth certificate we discovered?" Boss raised his eyebrow. 

"I told you I have no idea who the idiot is and why he knows me!" I complained to him, desperately attempting to assure him that I'm not involved in some enemy operation to take down the mafia. I'm already struggling with one mafia group, imagine another?! And regarding Silencer, I spent the entire night trying to imagine who the hell this kid is and why he knows me. 

"Robert. Robert Vincenti. Do you know any specific nicknames for Robert?" He asked me, a scary look in his eyes. 

I gulped, "...Robbie?" 

He gave me that same deadly look that I've experienced far too many times, but have never gotten used to, the look that states explicitly: keeping messing around with me and I'll actually kill you. "So you lied to me?" He interrogates, referencing the initial job interview. 

"No! Well... technically yes, but it's not like that, I didn't lie to cause any harm. It's just... well it's kind of embarrassing..." I began to nervously play with my fingernails, begging that Boss would drop it so I wouldn't have to admit how embarrassing I am.

"Embarrassing...? That you lied because you knew that if you told me Bob was affiliated with another Mafia I wouldn't hire you and you would have been ditched?" He confronted me and I groaned.

"No! That's not it-" I tried to explain but he interrupted me.

"Well if that's not it then tell me the rea-" Boss spoke over me but I cut him off.

"I'm trying to tell you the reason!" I yelled.

"Did you just forget what I clearly told you yesterday? Don't ever interrupt me." He gave me a deadly look. If looks could kill I would be 6ft deep in that ditch he loves to talk about so much. "Now explain."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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