1) "You're Fired"

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I hate weekends.

I mean, if I was a fortunate normal teenager with a free-spirited mind, I should LOVE the weekend. I should be able to love the extra days off of school and the joy of turning off your alarm clock knowing you can have those extra hours of good sleep. But then again, I'm not fortunate like other teenagers. So I work, double the time, every weekend to earn the money my father eventually will find and steal from me.

"Your late." My manager nagged at me. Yeah right, by a minute. I let out an exhausted sigh. My manager, was the most annoying, selfish, guy you'll ever meet. He constantly nags at tiny mistakes, and will fire you without ever hesitating, even if you simple made the smallest mistake.

"Sorry, it won't happen again." I told him sincerely, and yawned. I rubbed my eyes, in hope for some energy. I had pulled an all nighter yesterday since my constant work schedule pulled me from finishing an important essay.

"Yeah cause your fired." He gave me a smirk as my mouth dropped.

No... this cannot be happening! It took me weeks to find this job, only to be fired on the 6th day?!

"What?!" I let out a shriek. He motioned me to get out, and I let out a weak sigh of defeat. I walked out, throwing the uniform on the ground. I had spent all my money to get on the bus to my job, only to be fired. Now what do I do? I have no directions to get back home, no money, no food. I could use my phone, but who is there to call? My dad won't pick up, since he's probably drunk off his mind in a local bar. I've never really had a friend since elementary school, either.

Fortunately, I wasn't worried too much about getting mugged or kidnapped, I can defend myself. After all, I've grown up as my own bodyguard, so I've got some pretty decent moves.

Soon, I found myself trudging around the city, in hopes of finding a new job. Eventually, my prayers had been answered. It was a small, old and dirty restaurant but it seemed to be the only place hiring workers. Without hesitation, I pushed the rusty, old door that made an irritating sound when opened. As I stepped inside, I heard a few grunts. That was odd. What was also odd, was that the tables and chairs were broken and upside down and they crowded the place, causing me to trip and step over a few. When I thought this place couldn't get anymore odd, a man went flying right next to me colliding into the glass windows. He fell to the ground, perfectly still, no sign of life in him.

Oh hell no. In an instant, I headed straight for the door to find it sealed closed. Then 3 men, who covered their faces with black masks, appeared from the kitchen, and they're eyes landed on me.

"What are you doing here?" One of them asked. I was too afraid to answer. I stood still, and stared at him. He rolled his eyes,"Get her."

One guy flew towards me, but without hesitation I threw a punch to his jawline, sending him stumbling backwards. When he regained his focus, he charged at me, angrier and faster than before. He threw a punch but I dodged it, then punched his stomach. When he felt uneasy, it was the perfect time to throw a punch to his head where I knocked him unconscious.

Then the second guy, charged forward me but I instantly tripped him, and his head banged against one of the broken tables, leaving him unconscious. He was easy. I turned my head and faced the last guy who's face seemed to have a combination of shock, anger and confusion.

He instantly tripped me while I was caught off guard, sending me flying down to the ground. I quickly jumped back up in time to dodge his punch, and send one over to him. He caught my punch, then twisted my arm, causing me to gasp in pain. Using my other arm, I struck my elbow against his left cheek, making him stumble back, and causing his mask to come off. I got a good look at his face, before he tripped me, sending me flying down. While I got up, he seemed fed up.

"I've had enough of you." He spat angrily, then pulled out his gun and pointed it to my chest. I paused for a quick second to catch him off guard and twisted his hand, snatching the gun out of his grip. Then I proceeded to aimed it right at his chest. He put his hands up, showing me mercy. His face looked frightened, and so was mine. I didn't know what to do. I had never killed anyone in my life, and I never plan on doing it. My hands were shaking. But if I didn't kill him, he would kill me without hesitation.

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on his lips and he pulled the gun out of my unsteady hands, using my kindness as his advantage. Then, with one swift blow to my head, everything faded to black.

Thanks for reading my story ;)

Not a very long chapter, because it took me quite a lot of time to make this chapter and I wanted to leave the chapter with a cool cliffhanger ;)

So, anyways, thanks for reading again, and if you want to, please vote my book, and comment.

Also comment if I made any spelling errors, so I can quickly fix them. I hate spelling errors with a passion.

I also am not the one to curse in my books but since this is taking place in a Mafia and Maria is a bad-girl-type character a couple curse words will be dropped here and then but not much.

Also all rights reserved, I got the idea first so HA (at least I think) but seriously, please don't steal my book.

If you like the book and I start liking the book also, I'll decide on updating more.

Bye <3

~ Pam

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