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[January 2nd, 2021 @ 12:40am]

In a Wooden Cabin Outside of Brinkersville (The Mortal Realm):

Snow continued to fall from the gray clouds and fluttered down unto the quiet town like dead leaves that fell from the tree branches during Autumn.

Before the children of the town fell into their peaceful slumbers, they couldn't hide their excitement for the sight of a few flurries that invaded Brinkersville. It excited most at the thought of their schools being closed for the day, while others wondered if the total amount of snowfall would be enough to build snowmen in front of their houses.

The adults, however, didn't share the same sentiments as their children. They knew for every snowflake that fell unto the holy ground, the risk of potential damage to their crops increased rapidly.

The selling of tomatoes, cabbages, green peppers and potatoes to various outside markets, were how most of the town made their living. Aside from the importation and exportation of church supplies; bibles and golden crucifixes, the town was also a huge tourist attraction- a fact the mayor felt was disrespectful to the town's faith.

Naturally, the mayor disavowed any mention of Wiccans, which was an idiotic thing to do since Brinkersville's history involved Wiccans pouring their blood, sweat and tears into building the town from the ground up. Everyone who had a brain knew this and one person living in the town refused to have history rewritten to please those who were too blind in their faith to see the truth.

Agatha Rizzo gazed out of the window of her wooden cabin at the mass of water known as Crescent Lake. She stared blankly at the beautiful water, and wondered just how long it would take for all the dead bodies she threw in there last week, to float back to the surface.

Many of the people in Brinkersville viewed the silver long haired elderly woman as a 'psycho', 'town loon' and even 'crazy old bat', but the truth was, Agatha was far from those things.

Agatha Rizzo was a Dark Witch who spent most of her 800 years of life helping many Magical Beings, Enchanted Beings and even Mortals. She created charms, curses and spells that would harm, kill or bless various people. After realizing she could never live a Happily Ever After for her evil and dark ways, she migrated to the Mortal Realm and found comfort in a town created by Wiccans in 1916 A.D. named Brinkersville. In doing this, she built a cabin that sat at the edge of town near the last remaining historical landmark, which was not blocked by velvet ropes and didn't require an admission fee to get in.

That landmark was Crescent Lake, a beautiful lake that would glow a bright green color every night, but no one understood why or how that was possible. Agatha figured it had to be some kind of Magic at the bottom of the lake, but she would never jump in to find out.

A familiar presence sent chills down Agatha's spine and she turned away from the window.

In a bright yellow light, a Hispanic, handsome and tall man appeared before her.

"Ah-" Agatha gasped with a smirk, "If it isn't my old friend, Dominic Shyler. I do hope you are not here for a little rendezvous, as you can see I'm feeling under the weather."

Dominic straightened his posture and hid his disgust as the elderly woman smiled widely at him. It revealed her off white teeth that were stained with dried blood. The woman's face had more wrinkles than a silk shirt unrolled from a ball and her eyes were tired, a sentiment to her Immortal life she once had.

Although Dominic was never attracted to the Witch, he was used to her flirtatious ways. It was something he had learned to deal with early in their odd friendship.

The Enchanted Witch || M/M Romance|| #Fantasy #FairytaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang