Chapter 10

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[*Back In The Past*]

January 27th, 1519 A.D

The night sky was peaceful yet haunting. At least that's what Nathaniel thought as he and his betrothed walked side by side through the courtyard of the Echoes Castle.

Nathaniel looked dashing in his black leather doublet vest, black leather pants, and of course his clean-shaven face-which made Cassandra fall in love with him all over again.

Cassandra's blonde hair flowed down her back like the sad branches of a Weeping Willow tree. She wore a beige damsel dress that didn't hide her curvaceous figure, unlike most of the oversized dresses the women throughout the Realm would wear whenever they were married into royalty.

"I spoke to the local florist, and she is excited to deliver the fair amount of Baby Breaths you requested," Cassandra said, and broke the concentration of Nathaniel, whose thoughts were occupied elsewhere.

"Hmm?" Nathaniel asked, realizing she had said something.

The Prince's fiancée stopped walking, and she placed her hands on her hips, clearly irritated. "Oh, bloody hell, Nathaniel! Have you not been listening to anything I've said? Our wedding is tomorrow. Are you not at all excited about this day?"

Nathaniel stopped walking and turned to her. "Of course, I am, my Love."

"You have been distracted a lot lately and I'm thinking you're getting a case of cold feet."

A smile spread across the Prince's face, "I may have big feet my Love, but they are not cold, and they will be at the altar in front of the whole Kingdom tomorrow as I make you my wife and Princess of the Echoes Kingdom."

Cassandra returned the smile and kissed her fiancé's lips softly. "Good!" She pulled away and felt like she was on Cloud nine. "Now remember, tonight is the night where we do not sleep in the same room. It is my family tradition that the Bride and Groom-who have saved their purity until marriage, must share themselves only on their wedding night."

Nathaniel nodded. "Sounds like that can be arranged, and tradition is very important."

"Exactly," replied Cassandra, "so I will occupy the guest house. I invited a few of my closest friends... well, not my real ones. Apparently, Sirena lost her voice, poor unfortunate soul, so I had to call in Rapunzel to take her place. That alone is disgusting since Rapunzel and I haven't spoken in years since she decided I wasn't good enough to date Prince Charming before Cinderella got her grubby and dusty hands on him."

Nathaniel couldn't keep up with the drama between the women who lived in the various Kingdoms or surrounding towns, so he just gave his fiancée a nod as if he was truly engaged in the situation.

Cassandra opened her mouth to say something when Red, Green and Blue lights fluttered around her face. She swung her hands and swatted the Fairies away. "Ugh! These wretched pests!"

"No!" The Prince shouted, "they're not pests, they're my friends."

Cassandra glared at her fiancé. "Darling, People are friends. Fairies are nothing more than Woodland creatures who end up being digested by birds."

"Did she just call us pests?" Verde asked. Rojò and Azùla nodded in response.

"Yes, she did!" Azùla replied angrily.

"I will turn her into a Beetle and eat her from the inside out!" Rojò stated angrily and fluttered around the Prince's head.

Nathaniel quickly deescalated the situation by taking his fiancée's soft hands into his own and gazed into her eyes. "These Fairies are going to be guests at our wedding and-"

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