Chapter 11

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[*Present Day*]

In an undisclosed location:

The sound of thunder caused Jayson to open his eyes, and he discovered something quite ridiculous.

He was seated on a cold metallic chair and found that his arms, legs and upper body were bound to the chair with rope. It was too tight for him to break free of, but not tight enough that he couldn't breathe. The room he was held captive in looked like a cave; flame lit torches were the only means of light. The flames flickered and revealed a large cage made up of bamboo sticks which was in the far-right corner.

Inside of the cage were three students: two females and one male. Jayson knew they had to be Lilly Snow, Ariel Sebastian, and Decker.

The Jock looked at Jayson and shook his head, "if you're the cavalry sent here to save us, then you suck!"

"I apologize for getting kidnapped by some psychopath," the Witch snapped back as he tried to move his arms, but it was no use. He stopped wiggling and looked at the three students in the cage. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No," Lilly and Ariel answered quickly.

"Nah, we aren't hurt. He said he wasn't going to kill us. He just wants to find a Witch to help him," answered Decker.

Jayson lowered his eyebrows and looked at the teens, "help him? With what? His fashion sense?"

"That was mean," Rowan sang as he jumped out from behind the chair. All four of the people in the cave flinched.

The Jester clapped his hands happily and slowly pulled out a small black dagger from the inside of his tights and laughed.

Jayson glared at the annoying Being and rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm not a very nice Witch, ask around."

The Jester twirled around in a circle as if he was a ballet dancer, "oh, I know you aren't. That is why I am so excited to have you here in my home!"

Jayson looked around the dried looking cave, "home or prison?"

The question made Rowan laugh. The Jester's laughs turned into a whine and he stomped his feet on the ground as if he was a child being denied a snack before supper time. "This isn't funny! I am Rowan No End and I used to be the Court Jester for the Vanderson Kingdom."

Oh great! An origin story, Jayson thought to himself.

"King Vanderson ruled the Lost Dark Realm... that was until she arrived and killed him, his family and even the servants. I tried to defend King Vanderson, I did, but she cursed me to live in that stupid rock!" Rowan spat out in frustration, as he recalled the day he watched his King get massacred right before his helpless eyes. He shook his head and continued on, "but she didn't stop there. She made sure that the only way I could be truly freed from this crystal was to have a Witch free me. She made it difficult though, she covered the rock with Dark Magic making whoever picks it up, summon me only so I can give them their greatest desire. Although it was all temporary because I found a loophole. If they wanted to keep their greatest desire, they would have to find me a Witch. If they couldn't get me a Witch willing to help me, within the two hours of receiving their greatest desires, they would become my prisoners for all of eternity." Rowan let out a high-pitched laugh that was ear piercing to all.

Jayson looked over at the students and Rowan continued on, "Ariel wanted to be popular. Of course, she got just that, but she couldn't find a Witch. She instead found me a fortune teller. Lilly's greatest desire was to see her dead mother again. Sweet sentiment, but she tried to find a loophole and ended up wasting her hours. And Decker's desire was to get revenge on a student he bullied."

All three students looked down in disgust at their selfish actions and anger.

They were so blinded by Dark Magic that they didn't even stop to think about doing the right thing or even about the people they were hurting.

"Ah, but Jimmy!" Rowan danced around happily. "That kid may be greasy and smell like bacon, but he is a smart cookie. After I took Decker for wasting my time, Jimmy informed me of a plan. He said that if he told some students about me, making me an urban legend, and told Dean Tremaine about him and Decker being taken, that she would hire a P.I Witch to help her find the students. As soon as you arrived at the school, he summoned me and I gave him his greatest desire, to be normal. Now in order for that desire to be permanent, you have to help me."

"How can I help you?" asked Jayson.

"Easy, stay still and let me get a taste of you," Rowan placed the dagger on Jayson's right cheek, he slid it slowly. Red glittery blood dripped out, Jayson winced in pain, but the sight of the blood caused the Jester to drop the dagger in shock.

He moved back as the wound on the Witch's face healed in a red light. "It-it can't be... you're an Enchanted Witch?"

The students exchanged looks with one another. They had heard stories about Enchanted Witches and how powerful they were, being half Pure Witch and half Dark Witch, but they'd never actually met one before.

Rowan smiled from ear to ear, "well, this changes everything. She never told me an Enchanted Witch was alive."

"She? As in Agatha?" asked Jayson.

Rowan shook his head slowly, still amazed at the sight of Jayson in front of him. "No, Mother Goose."

That was a name Jayson wasn't expecting to hear. Mother Goose was a Dark Witch who destroyed the Wizard of Oz and the entire Oz Realm. She even killed the Evil Queen just because she wore the same dress as her at Rumpelstiltskin's birthday party.

No one in the Realms had enough Magic to defeat Mother Goose except for Agatha. After Mother Goose killed the Evil Queen, Jayson's mentor knew she had to stop her, so in 1510 A.D, Agatha killed Mother Goose. She showed everyone in the Enchanted Realm, Mother Goose's corpse with pride, and for once Agatha was viewed as a hero rather than a nuisance.

But Rowan was living proof that Agatha lied to everyone... But why?

If Mother Goose was truly dead, then the curse she put on Rowan would've been broken and he wouldn't have to manipulate Beings to free him.

Mother Goose is still alive somehow and somewhere.

Rowan licked his own lips, and opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth, "I've waited a long time for this."

Jayson had a plan, and he needed to move fast.

Do not murder was their rule,

But who cares when in a duel?

Ice won't melt when it is cool,

Take us back to Hallows school.

In a red, blinding light, both Jayson and the imprisoned students disappeared from the cave. Ronan stomped his feet as he was left behind and shouted, "No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!!"

The Enchanted Witch || M/M Romance|| #Fantasy #FairytaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant