Chapter 9

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[*Present Day*]

Haneltha's Magic Crystal Shop (In The Magic Realm):

Nathaniel pushed the door of the Magic Shop open and felt a familiar chill as it ran down his spine when he passed through the threshold. It shocked him to see how bright the sun shone in the small town of Doole; he had forgotten how time between Realms differed.

While it was around 2:20am in the Mortal Realm, it was 12:20pm in the Enchanted Realm and 3:00pm here in the Magic Realm. He ignored the growling of his stomach as he wondered if it was considered cheating on his diet, if he ate breakfast in the Mortal Realm and then dinner seconds after in the Magic Realm.

It had been ages since he walked through the same door and saw the various shapes of colorful crystals organized on the shelves by size, color, weight and Magical attribution.

He closed the door behind him and made his way toward the counter. The boutique wasn't filled with any customers shopping, or guests that would frequent the aisles in search of anything that caught their eyes; instead, it was just the Knight.

Once at the counter, Nathaniel noticed a clear crystal heart in a box close to the cash register. The clear crystal seemed to have soothed the Knight; it cleared his mind from the craziness he endured in the past couple of hours.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The question broke the Knight's concentration, and he turned to find Haneltha stood by a curtain made up entirely of pink glass beads a few feet away from the counter.

The woman looked no older than thirty-two-years old. She had shoulder length lavender colored hair, which practically glowed because of her dark brown skin. She had two bright hazel eyes and wore a black form fitting dress. Her voice was smooth like velvet, and she had an accent that the Knight had heard many times while he visited New York City years ago.

She approached the counter as Nathaniel cleared his throat, "yes, it is," he answered.

"I just got it in today. It is said to glow pink when two people who are destined to be together are in the same room, and if it glows black, that means they are not meant to be. Sounds like a cliché, I know, but I assure you it's quite romantic. I should definitely take it on a date with me, so I know beforehand which woman is going to break my heart."

Nathaniel nodded, and he looked at the woman's left inner forearm where he saw a tattoo of a small red rose. "That's new."

Haneltha noticed where his focus was and she looked down at the tattoo, smiled and gave him a nod. "Yep, got it a few years ago. It's in memory of my sister."

Nathaniel cleared his throat and quickly changed the subject. "I'm sorry to just drop in like this."

Haneltha smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "Don't apologize, business never needs an appointment," she paused as thought that unsettled her rushed into her mind. "Oh, dear Goddess, are you here because the Kingdom is in trouble?"

Nathaniel quickly shook his head and met her gaze. "No, not at all. Jayson actually sent me."

She let out a small gasp at the mention of the name of her old friend. "How is he? I've been trying to call him for two days now."

"He's been good," the Knight stated, "Agatha's passing hasn't really hit him yet. That or he's just super cold on the inside, since... you know."

The shop owner giggled and shook her head. "No, he isn't one to hold his feelings in about anything. You should know that more than anyone."

"I'm actually here, hoping you could tell me what this is," Nathaniel placed the image of the crystal on the glass counter, and slid it to Haneltha, who wasted no time analyzing the image.

The Enchanted Witch || M/M Romance|| #Fantasy #FairytaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang