Chapter 12

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[*Back in The Past*]

January 28th, 1519 AD

The Morning of Prince Nathaniel's Wedding:

Fliers were distributed all throughout towns and villages that were neighbors to the Echoes Kingdom in Sandston.

They read: "Today, Prince Nathaniel Weds Cassandra Price!" Everyone was excited.

King Leon and Queen Hermana did the unexpected and invited everyone in the surrounding towns to take part in the joyous occasion.

Beggars, blacksmiths, swordsmen, barmaids and even local performers, received invitations, but they were given customized formal attire tailored by the Royal seamstress and horse-drawn carriages so they could arrive at the castle in a timely manner.

Prince Nathaniel couldn't be any more pleased with how well his parents took to him being wed to Cassandra... Even though it was obvious he wasn't as excited as his parents were for the event.

He gazed out of the window of his bedroom and watched as hordes of horse-drawn carriages organized in two lines galloped through the gates of the castle.

While some guests waited in their respective carriages to enter the Kingdom, a pair of Dragons performed aerial tricks in the sky, happily providing entertainment.

The Prince turned from the window and approached a large head to toe mirror. He shuddered at his own reflection. Confused by the man he was looking at.

All throughout the Prince's life, he was a man that hadn't sought approval from others. If he felt something was right in his heart, he would act on it, without caring how others viewed him, but today of all days he had lost sight of that brave man.

"Knock! Knock!" A voice called out from the other side of the Prince's bedroom door.

The voice belonged to King Leon, and it was a voice Nathaniel didn't want to hear just yet.

"Is it safe to come in?" The King asked.

No! Nathaniel thought to himself, but he cleared his throat and replied with a simple, "yes."

The large wooden door opened and a man no taller than five foot ten entered the room. He had black colored hair, dark emerald eyes and light caramel skin. On his head he wore a golden turban embellished with rubies and emeralds. He had on his Royal fur coat, black riding breeches, a black and gold doublet vest and black knee-high boots.

He smiled at his son's attire. "The rumors are true. You can clean up."

The Prince smiled but couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The Prince's attire differed from his father's. Not only was Nathaniel's face clean-shaven and had no sign of a beard, mustache, goatee or any other facial hairstyle that made Cassandra cringe in disgust, but his black hair was neatly slicked back.

His attire comprised of a black and gold tunic vest, underneath the vest, he wore a white cotton long sleeve shirt, he originally wanted to wear no shirt underneath because he would wear the Echoes' Royal Coat over it and he would feel excessively hot, but Cassandra was against that idea.

The Prince wore black breeches with 24 karat gold seams and of course his black knee-high boots, which was the proper attire worn by Royal Men in the Enchanted Realm.

"Thank you, Father. It's not every day I get married and seek to wear something that satisfies my bride to be," he scratched at his chest gently, "no matter how uncomfortable the material feels."

King Leon let out a chuckle, entered the bedroom, and closed the door behind him.

"Son, when I married your mother, I too had to endure a lot of uncomfortable things. One of which was this Kingdom. Your mother being the Princess had this Royal thing under control. Me? Oh no. I was more awkward than an Ogre befriending a Mule."

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