Chapter 3

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[*Present Day*]

Nathaniel opened his arms hoping Jayson would pull him into a tight embrace, but the Witch gave him an icy glare that could freeze the flames on Hades' head.

"I see you still remember how we left things," Nathaniel replied.

"Remember? How could I forget?" The Witch stated and tried not to get too irritated, "on our second anniversary, you gave me an ultimatum to either abandon everything I am by binding my Magic and stay married to you, or keep being a Witch and lose you as a husband."

"And we both know what you chose at the end," the Knight retorted.

A chuckle escaped the Witch's mouth as he shook his head. "Don't you start that now. I was doing fine for these past five centuries. I didn't come to you, I didn't visit your side of the Realm and I didn't even care enough to see if you grew your hair out, which clearly you have."

The dynamic between Jayson and Nathaniel had always been a mixture of flirting, seriousness, loving and at times their conversations would be more of them bickering as if they were frenemies. But no matter how they spoke to each other, one thing was always clear, they still cared for one another and nothing would change that.

The Knight realized the soft speaking Witch wasn't going to hug him, so he placed his arms down and cleared his throat. "I see you still kept your hair curly."

The Knight's masculine cologne invaded Jayson's nostrils as if the scent was an army of ants invading a picnic at the park. "I see you still kept that God awful cologne. I thought they stopped making it when Briar Rose woke up."

Nathaniel laughed and remembered how Jayson loathed the sour and musky cologne, although it was one of his favorites. The Knight looked around the loft and nodded in approval. "This place is amazing. What do you do here and where exactly is... here?"

"I'm a Private Investigator. My clientele differs between Mortals looking for stolen jewelry or whatnot to many Magical and Enchanted Beings who migrated to this Realm needing my help. You can think of me as your friendly neighborhood and Witchy, Sherlock Holmes. Helping anyone who needs my help."

The Knight spotted a bowl of hard candy on Jayson's desk and he walked over to it and grabbed one. "Hmm, like what?"

"Well, some Magical Beings hire me to vanquish a pesky Demon or maybe vanquish a crazy creature that is eating Magical vegetables. I don't get many Enchanted clients, though. I would assume it's because they call on their Fairy Godmothers for help. So, I assure you, it's not a boring job. And to answer your second question, we are currently in Gladen Falls. A college town in the Mortal Realm. You would know that if you stopped using that damn Pixie Dust to find me."

Nathaniel spent a few seconds unwrapping the candy as he listened to Jayson answer his questions. He finally freed the cherry flavored hard candy and popped it in his mouth as he looked at the Witch.

"Look Red, I came because I didn't see you at the service. When I didn't see you at the service, I got worried and-"

Jayson placed his right hand in the air and interrupted the Knight's next words. "What service? Who died?"

It was then Nathaniel realized Jayson must've been too busy to hear the tragedy which took place an hour ago.

Funeral services in the Enchanted and Magic Realms had to take place ten minutes after the Being died because they had to bury or cremate the Being quickly, so no one else tried to steal their Magic or possess their bodies.

It was a long story as to why the Council of Magical Elders made this law, but it has come in handy in many scary situations.

Nathaniel used his tongue to hold the hard candy against the inside of his right cheek as he tried to find the appropriate way to tell Jayson about Agatha's death. He gave the thought about fifteen seconds when he said, "Red, Agatha died this morning."

The Enchanted Witch || M/M Romance|| #Fantasy #FairytaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora