Chapter 2

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[January 26th, 1519 A. D]

In The Enchanted Realm:

The marketplace of Sherlane Road was filled with Magical and Enchanted Beings from all walks of life that tried to find amazing deals on various items like vegetables, ingredients for potions, weaponry and even memorabilia from the lost Dark Magic Realm.

No one paid mind to the other merchants or customers because no one cared who they were shopping amongst, which made it easier for Prince Nathaniel and his Guard, Kyleson, to walk amongst them.

Kyleson wore a black hooded cloak, black riding breeches with matching colored boots, and on the right side of his hip was his sword nestled in its holster. Nathaniel walked on the left side of him and wore a black doublet vest, blue riding breeches and brown boots; he too had his sword in its holster hanging on his hip, and he wore a black short cape over his shoulders.

The Prince's scruffy facial hair was kept to a minimal length while Kyleson's face was clean-shaven, a trait that most Guards maintained throughout the Enchanted Realm.

"I was in shock you accompanied me to the market," Nathaniel said as they walked through the crowd of Magical and Enchanted Beings.

Kyleson smiled and nodded his head, "anytime. I'm normally not the shopping type, but with your mother and father celebrating their 30th Wedding anniversary, I couldn't bear to stay in the castle, for obvious reasons."

A smirk spread across the Prince's face. He shook his head and tried not to think about how his parents would celebrate their special day. "That alone sounds traumatizing."

Kyleson chuckled, "yes it does. Besides, I couldn't wait to spend some quality time with my favorite Prince," he said and nudged Nathaniel playfully.

Those words alone caused Nathaniel to read between the lines. "Alright, what's her name?"

The question made Kyleson smirk when he realized he had been caught red-handed.

If there was one thing Nathaniel knew about his Guard of twelve years, it was the fact he never went shopping willingly unless it involved free food or a woman, and, in this case, he knew it was a woman.

Kyleson's smile brightened up as he spoke, "I don't know her name yet, but she owns a Crystal Shop, she's recently single and she's here every weekend."

Nathaniel smirked as he lowered his eyebrows, "And you were able to catch all that information, yet you couldn't get a name?"

The Guard shrugged at the question, but still smiled, "say what you want, but I honestly am smitten with this woman, so smitten I can tell you she's the one."

"I think it's sweet and charming," the Prince replied. "Of course it would be even sweeter if you knew her name," the Prince teased with a smirk as both men continued through the crowded market.

Nathaniel Echoes wasn't like most twenty-nine-year-old Princes in the Enchanted Realm. Then again, few Princes wanted to give up their crowns to become a Knight.

The idea of being held up in a castle making laws, overseeing lands, properties and helping his father create taxes that benefited the kingdom, made Nathaniel nauseated. Sure, it was his birthright to be the Prince of Sandston, but he yearned to do more to protect not only the Realm but also his family, and he couldn't do that cooped up in the castle.

Of course, his parents were shocked when he brought up the idea of becoming a Knight; but they supported him either way.

Kyleson shrugged off the Prince's words and looked a few feet away toward his left to see the beautiful woman he was looking for. She had golden blonde hair styled in a neat bun and wore a purple damsel dress.

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