Chapter 14

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[*Back in The Past*]

Somewhere in The Magic Realm:

The town of Merichrist was full of people who weren't allowed to wear bright colors. To the High Priestess Ophelia, any color that wasn't gray were colors created by the Devil to distract followers from walking on the righteous path.

It may have sounded crazy, but this was a town that sat in the far East of the Magic Realm, and they were very vocal about their hatred for all three Realms. They believed their Witch Hunters were the chosen ones appointed by God to cleanse the Realms of the wickedness that plagued them.

The population of the town consisted of thirty people, twenty-six men and four women.

No children were present, as Ophelia made sure every townsfolk knew that sex before marriage was the act of the Devil and would be punishable by death. Her idea of death was burning the Sinner alive and watching as their flesh melted off their bones as if it was metal being melted down by a blacksmith.

As everyone gathered around the town's square, excited to see a Sinner get executed, Ophelia stepped out of an abandoned shed with her hands behind her back.

Ophelia was a woman that looked to be in her mid-thirties. She was beautiful but had a frosty glare. Her skin was pale, her lips were covered with black lipstick, her brown long hair flowed down to her mid-back and on top of her head was a black crown decorated with onyx stones. She wore a black laced dress that conservatively hid her figure from any men admiring it.

The angry villagers held onto their fiery torches and cheered as Ophelia made her way to the middle of the town's square where the wooden stake was erected, it was the same stake where Witches, Cannibals, Adulterers and Sodomites were burned alive for their sinful ways.

Tied to the stake was someone Ophelia had spent countless years searching for, Jayson Santos.

The Witch watched impatiently as Ophelia stopped walking and faced the crowd of admirers. "Brothers and sisters. Children of Ophelia, we stand here in the Square of Holiness with a Sinner in our midst. The worst kind of Sinner."

Jayson rolled his eyes. "Oh please! Flattery gets you nowhere."

Ophelia ignored the Witch's words, and she continued, "we are in the presence of Jayson Santos, the bastard son of a Pure Witch and Dark Witch."

The crowd gasped and jeered at the Witch in disgrace.

"What?" Jayson asked. "No one wants an autograph?" In a glittery light, Jayson disappeared from the stake. Everyone looked around nervously and screamed out in terror.

"Where did he go?" a woman yelled above the others.

"He's going to curse us!" a man chimed in.

"Calm down, brothers and sisters," Ophelia said calmly. "Wherever he is, we will find him, and he will pay for being not only a Sodomite but a Bastard son with Enchanted blood!"

The villages cheered and chanted Ophelia's name. She basked in the glory and attention she was getting from her congregation; it made her feel more special than God himself.


In Jayson's Cabin (The Enchanted Realm):

Jayson reappeared in front of his cabin, shocked and confused as to how he ended up there. His body was no longer tied to a nine-foot-tall wooden stake, his muddy boots no longer stood on cobblestones and religious zombies didn't surround him. He didn't remember teleporting as the ropes Ophelia used to tie him to the stake were Magic proof. "Oh Goddess, are my powers out of whack again?"

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