Chapter 6

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[*Back in The Past*]

In a Cabin Located Just Outside of The Whispers Forest:

It had been hours since Jayson brought the Morbius Potion, defeated a few pirates, and caused a Good Samaritan to fall into a deep slumber. Now all the Witch had to do was wait for the potion to take its effect.

The Witch sighed in frustration as he stepped out the front door of a cabin in the far-off distance of The Whispers Forest. A forest where there was rumored to be a man-eating creature. Although Jayson never had time to investigate, he believed it to be true.

The cabin was where the Witch called home for the time being.

A cold winter wind blew against Jayson, but he didn't mind. His red hooded cloak wasn't the best attire to keep him warm, but his mind wasn't occupied on the frigid winds, it was occupied on something... or rather someone else.

"It is too cold for you to be out here," a voice whispered in the dark night. Jayson looked around only to find trees, a garden of Poppy flowers a few feet away from him, another garden of vegetables just six feet away and dirt roads where no horses stomped, and no Mortals had ever stepped foot on.

"Who's there?!" He called out, shifted his gaze and cautiously observed every space between the trees in the far-off distance, but nothing and nobody was there. No figures hid behind an oak tree and nobody was around the cabin, just a bright red lightning bug that fluttered in the night sky.

Wait a minute! Jayson thought to himself as he got a closer look at the lightning bug. It wasn't a lightning bug at all! It was a tiny creature with a pair of red glowing wings that seemed to have a pair of legs, hands, feet, eyes, pointy ears and one button nose, and had the face of a man! This creature was...

"A Fairy? What are you doing here?" His right hand glowed red, and the only thought that ran through his mind was to kill the Fairy. Cruel? Probably, but by Jayson's logic Fairies were annoying little deviants and he couldn't take any precautions, especially while the Council looked for him.

However, his concentration was cut short when a voice said from the darkness, "I would appreciate it, if you do not harm my Fairies."

Jayson quickly spun around to find Nathaniel stood before him with a green Fairy on his right shoulder and a blue Fairy on his left.

Jayson let out a gasp at the sight of the man. "How are you still conscious?! Right now, you should be in a comatose state."

Nathaniel smirked as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Well, I'm a Knight in training who is Immortal, which means, things that can harm other Beings have no effect on me."

The Witch rolled his eyes and glared at the Fairies on the Knight's shoulders, who snickered. The noises that came from their mouths reminded Jayson of wind chimes blowing in the wind.

"You're a Knight that hangs out with Fairies? I'm not sure if that's progressive or sad."

Nathaniel gave him a smirk. "What? Is it uncommon for an Enchanted Being to hang out with other Enchanted Beings never focusing once on their differences?"

"Eh, I could not care less," Jayson shrugged. "But Fairies are not Beings. They're just little bugs that need to be squashed."

The Fairies simultaneously stuck their tongues out at Jayson, and rolled their eyes. "Now, can you please explain why you're here and how you found me?"

"You were in trouble and I needed to make sure you got to your destination safely. Unbelievably Jayson, not all Enchanted Beings want to harm Witches. Especially a Knight like myself."

The Enchanted Witch || M/M Romance|| #Fantasy #FairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now