Febuwhump day 9: buried alive

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Day 9. I was excited for this one.

When Peter came to he couldn't breathe. There was dust all around him. The weight of concrete was bearing down on Peter's chest causing his breath to get caught in his throat.

"Karen call Tony Stark."

Peter could feel the tears rushing down his face. His voice getting caught in his throat as he speaks.

"Calling Tony Stark."

The voice of Karen comes through the speakers of the spider suit.

"Kid what are you doing up so late? You know you have a curfew."

"Mr-mr. Stark? I'm stuck. I need....I need help. Please.....help me."


"I am under a warehouse somewhere in Queens."

"I am coming kid just keep breathing I will be there."

It felt like hours before Peter could hear the faint sound of repulsers coming closer to the warehouse Peter was trapped under.

"Kid I am here. I am going to try and move some of this rubble so I can get you out of here. I promise I will get you out kid. Just keep calm. I am almost to you."

Tony kept moving rubble until he saw a gloved hand. He started digging faster after he saw that.

Eventually Tony had uncovered Peter's entire body and lifted him out of the rubble.

"I've got you kid. You're okay."

Peter clung to Tony as they flew back to the tower.

Peter fell unconscious knowing that he is safe and Tony will take care of him.

Another day done and it is midnight again.

Thanks for reading
Asya Esenia Romanova-Barnes

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