|| Things to Add to Your Script Part 2 ||

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1. Family and friends live a long and happy life (rather than saying they don't die because this way life is more realistic, they still can die, but they won't.)

2. I will remember when I have shifted (you may shift and wake up the next morning not even remembering that you shifted)

3. I have no trouble dealing with murder/gore/blood (if you are shifting to somewhere where that might occur, I really recommend this so you don't come back to your cr totally traumatized)

4. I live a long and happy life (the same thing with the friends/family one, you can die but you won't so this makes life more realistic)

5. I am a very good driver (if you are so young you do not know how to drive, you don't want to end up in a situation in your dr where you don't know how to drive)

6. I have a high pain tolerance and feel little to no pain whenever injured (this is very recommended if you are shifting to a place where you might get hurt such as Hogwarts or criminal minds)

7. I am immune to emotional trauma, including when I return to my cr (trauma because fo your dr is not a good thing)

8. I will never get fired from my job (you can say the same thing for your friends if you want to ensure they will always work with you)

9. I will not be hunted down by killers (this is more specific for criminal minds shifters. you can also say this about your friends and family)

10. When I return to my cr I will remember everything that happened except for the gore/murder/crimes (this is also more specific for criminal minds shifters. if you don't script this you may have lasting trauma)

11. me and my friends are never in very dangerous situations (you can also script this for your family)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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