|| Shifting Methods Part 7 ||

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Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Sorry, I have added nothing in a while, I just have had no motivation or inspiration. 

Non-sleep method: 

For this method, I recommend meditating. You could listen to subs while doing this, but personally, I won't just because subs help me sleep and the whole point is you're not falling asleep. 

Start off by lying in any comfortable position and repeating in your head "I am". Once you feel a symptom of shifting (twitching, levitating, hearing voices, etc) repeat affirmations such as, I have shifted. After a minute or two start thinking about aspects of your dr, such as, what you look like, your friends, family, love interest, how your dr looks, everything like that. You can continue to say affirmations in your head while doing this. 

Continue doing this until you shift! Or you could switch back to repeating "I am". 

Good luck shifting everyone! You will shift, I believe in you!

One more thing I would like to say:

We all know TikTok is not a very accurate place to get shifting information on... unless you know the right people to watch/follow. 

Would you guys like recommendations for TikTok users? I have a lot I could give you, and I promise they are accurate and very very encouraging. 









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