|| Something Cool I Did ||

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Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I didn't know what to title this chapter but... yeah, this is what you get! 

A few weeks ago, I thought it would be cool to script that Draco gives me a necklace in my dr. I scripted that on my birthday he would give it to me and that it would look exactly like my rose quartz necklace that I have in my cr. 

The point of this is that once I shift (because it's a matter of when not if) he will give me the necklace and then when I return to my cr I will have a part of him with me. 

I was also thinking of scripting that he owns a certain green men's sweatshirt that I have in my cr. Since then it would feel like it's his sweatshirt that I'm wearing when I'm in my cr, instead of a sweatshirt I thrifted hahaha. 

How to do this:

It's really simple, just script that a person from your dr gives you something (an object like a necklace) and script that it looks exactly like an object from your cr. 

Have fun shifting! 

Thank you for so many reads, it warms my heart to know that I'm helping people go home! 

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