Part 6 - Game set match!

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I chuckled seeing everyone's faces change to happiness and as they did the penalty run a hand was placed on my shoulder "are you okay?" I looked up seeing Bokuto and nodded as a small blush crossed my face "yeah my arms sting though, you have a good spike," he chuckled patting my shoulder "I can't believe you received it," I smiled brightly then heard kuroo speak "Oya, Oya," I chuckled as Bokuto replied "Oya, Oya, Oya," I saw kuroo smirk as he placed an arm around my shoulder again "you shouldn't go flirting with the cute manager, she is karasuno captain's sister," I pouted then spoke "I'm more than Daichi's little sister," he chuckled then I felt someone squeeze my face as I opened my eyes it was Sugawara so I spoke pushing his face "Suga!" he just chuckled letting go, then someone picking me up making me squeal and as I looked I was being hugged by Asahi "Calm down Hime it's okay?" I struggled out of his grip taking off my jacket then I spoke "I'm not a kid," I looked to see Daichi throwing the jacket back at me as I slipped it on Kiyoko spoke grabbing my hand "I need your help for a second," I smiled letting her drag me and as we got into the hallway she spoke placing a finger on her lip "looks like you're popular," I sighed following behind her as we got to the canteen area Kiyoko introduced me to all the other managers and as we sat laughing and chatting I heard Hinata speak "Ah Hime the second set is about to begin," I got to my feet bowing to the other girls and walked with Hinata to the gym. Halfway to the gym I zipped my karasuno jacket all the way up and spoke "is Daichi annoyed?" he looked at me scratching his neck "umm..." I sighed letting my head and arms drop "he isn't annoyed, angry more so it looked like your arms were injured after receiving Bokuto's spike," I rolled up the sleeves seeing my arms were bright red and slightly bruised, I chuckled then looked to Hinata "it's not that bad," I could see him turn away instantly so I spoke placing my arms behind my back "I'll be cheering for you shoyo," I saw his cheek turn red so I spoke "sorry I didn't mean to use your first name," I saw him smiled then speak nudging my shoulder "I don't mind," I chuckled linking our arms then we walked the rest of the way to the gym talking about volleyball. As we got to the gym I spoke "I wouldn't mind playing with you guys one day as practice," I saw Hinata smile then speak "I don't know if you would win?" I looked at him and smiled "it's not about winning so long as you have a good time," I saw his eyes widen a little in surprise so I smiled turning on my heel and fully walking into the gym as I got to the bench and flicked through my notebook then Daichi spoke, "are your arms okay?" I smiled rolling down my sleaves "just like when I used to play in middle school," he sighed flicking my forehead so I spoke punching his stomach lightly "you should focus on your match onii-san," he chuckled rubbing his stomach so I pushed him away and spoke "go win," he nodded walking off and high fiving the others boys, as I sat down the match started but halfway through I started to notice something and spoke "coach?" he looked at me so I smiled placing my hand to cover my mouth "can you call a time out and if I'm wrong I'll take any punishment," he nodded as takeda sensei called a time out and as the boys gathered around I spoke "so I can see by watching that the team are capable on their own without Bokuto, so when Bokuto switches make sure you keep up your blocks," I placed a finger on my lips "Bokuto is their decoy," I saw the boys all look at me confused so I spoke pulling them in close after I was done explaining I looked up making eye contact with number 5, so I smirked then spoke "remember keep your eyes peeled," they nodded handing the drinks back to me. As the game progressed, I could see Daichi chuckle slightly then coach ukai slapped my back as the sound echoed around the gym he yelled "YOU'RE A GENIUS KID!" I shakily nodded my head feeling my back burning but as I looked up with tears in my eyes I smiled "oh sorry I forgot," I chuckled rubbing my eyes "it's okay," as I noted down the scores in my notebook I chewed on my lip, as I looked up seeing the two-point difference I started to bit harder causing my lip to start bleeding. As fukurodani were on set point I felt my body tense, the winning spike was hit by Bokuto and as I was distracted it slammed me directly in the face. As I fell backward onto the floor I groaned holding my nose but soon let out a giggle seeing Bokuto's face "was that payback," I slowly sat up feeling my nose start to bleed, as I tilted my head back Takeda sensei spoke "you should go get checked out," I shook my head then spoke "I'm fine, just let me clean up," I smiled then made my way quickly to the bathroom, as I finished cleaning the blood from my hands and face I plugged my nose.

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