Part 10 - Game on boys 😋

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As we got to the canteen I saw Kiyoko smiling then she handed me a tray "saved you some before the boys got here," I smiled taking the tray "thank you Kiyoko-san," she smiled nudging my shoulder "the boys were asking about you," I smile slightly then looked down to the food sighing slightly "damn it," I heard Kiyoko go to speak as someone called out to me "HIME!" I looked up meeting eyes with Hinata so I turned to Kiyoko "sorry," she shook her head then spoke, "let's talk later yeah?" I gave her a reassuring smile before making my way to the karasuno table. As I sat next to Hinata he pouted slightly "you nearly missed dinner," I smiled placing my face into my hand "yeah sorry," as I placed some rice into my mouth the whole table was silent so I looked up seeing everyone staring at me then tsukishima spoke "why are you, sad idiot," I chuckled slightly "I'm fine saltyshima," I smiled seeing the whole table erupted into laughter as tsukishima glared at me. I smiled at him and mouthed "sorry," he clicked his tongue continuing to eat. As I started to get bored of eating I spoke "who wants?" I looked up seeing the boys taking different things then Daichi spoke up "you barely ate anything?" I hummed getting to my feet "I'm going to call in early, I'm really tired," I saw all the boys nod slowly as I yawned unzipping my jacket and walking out the canteen. As I walked to the bedrooms a voice spoke up "Hime!" I looked seeing Bokuto popping his head around the door of the gym, so I smiled slightly making my way inside "you want to play with us?" I chuckled placing a smirk on my face "is that a challenge?" I was placed on a team with Bokuto and kuroo as three other people gather on the other side of the net then one spoke "I don't think this is fair," I spoke crossing my arms "why because I'm a girl? Or is that I'm only a manager?" I saw the boy chuckle as a smirk crossed his lips "well then," I chuckled having first served. As I took my jacket off placing it on the bench I took my position, as I jumped serving I smiled seeing a service ace. I chuckled high fiving the boys and after a couple more service aces they finally received the ball and as they spiked I instantly received the ball into the air and as the ball flipped between Bokuto and kuroo I smirked being the decoy jumping to the net seeing all the boys block me as Bokuto spiked. I chuckled hearing Bokuto celebrating as we high fived kuroo whispered into my ear "next is yours," I smiled brightly then got into position at the front of the net as the guy served I spoke instantly "jump float," as Bokuto received it, I chuckled seeing kuroo sets but as he did, it was too close to the net so I adapted kicking it with my foot and scoring us another point, I held my arms out to balance myself as I landed on my feet. I looked back scratching my neck and spoke "well that turned out better than I hoped," as my gaze averted to the door I tensed seeing the whole of karasuno, as I smiled Hinata yelled, "YOU JUMPED SO HIGH!" I chuckled then spoke "how long have you guys been there," I saw tsukishima smirk bending down to my level "for a pipsqueak you have a good spike," I chuckled taking a step back then Daichi spoke pulling me into a hug "SO PROUD!" I groaned pushing him away "onii-san!" as I got out his grip I punched his side "that's embarrassing!" he chuckled and I looked at Hinata as I did a small blush crossed my cheek so I looked away. I spoke placing my jacket back on "sorry boys Kiyoko wanted to talk to me, good game though," I sent the guys on the court a wink and made my way quickly to the bedrooms and as I got in I let out a deep sigh. I looked up again seeing most of the girls in their pyjamas so I bowed "ah sorry," I quickly grabbed my things and made my way to the showers but as I got in Kiyoko spoke with a sweet smile "I'll wash your hair," I smiled slipping off my clothes and folding them, as I sat facing the small mirror Kiyoko spoke gently "what has been bothering you, Hime, from one girl to another," I looked up slightly seeing her smile so I took a deep breath and spoke "not used to so much boy attention it's making me self-conscious," she smiled slightly washing out the soap "well to me you have a good body plus boy attention isn't bad, just means your attractive," I chuckled slightly then looked down "yeah," she placed her hands on my shoulders then bent down "just try to relax okay?" I nodded my head looking into the mirror. 

Tangerine 🍊 - a Hinata Shoyo one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now