Part 11 - Pain 😰

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As we dried off and got changed I spoke "I'm gonna go get a drink so I'll meet you in a minute," Kiyoko nodded. As I got to the vending machine and pressed the button a sleepy voice spoke "Hime?" I looked back seeing Nishinoya with his hair flat so I smiled then spoke "you look cute with your hair down noya," he chuckled rubbing his neck then spoke looking down to the floor "I noticed you weren't smiling during dinner, is everything okay?" I smiled grabbing my drink "yeah just got a bit self-conscious," I looked back at him and smiled "but Kiyoko said I didn't have to worry," he nodded his head then spoke pointing to himself with a wide smile "your senpai will make you feel better!" I chuckled placing the can to my lips and hummed in response but as I saw Hinata rounding the corner I spoke with my face flushed "A...ah I need to go to s...sleep," I saw nishinoya turned back seeing a sleep Hinata making his way to us and as he turned to me a devilish smirk crossed his face so I nodded my head and ran. As I got back into the room I heard one of the managers for fukurodani speak "I heard Hime was playing with Bokuto and some other boys and actually won the game," I closed the door lightly and placed my things into the wardrobe as I turned the girl spoke "so is it true?" I looked back and smiled "yeah but I used to play volleyball in middle school," I heard Kiyoko interject "she went to the U15 nationals," I blushed slightly turning to the group of girls then spoke "you make me sound better than I was," I then felt hands clasp around my own and a bright smile spoke "whoa you must be good then," I rubbed then back of my neck freeing a hand, as the night went on we spoke about volleyball and managing then the question came up "Hime do you like anyone? I see most of the boys seem to like you," I chuckle bring my knees to my chest "I like Hinata," I heard Kiyoko squeal as she flopped onto me "This is perfect!" I looked at her confused as she nodded to the other managers suspiciously. After a couple of whispers, the third years spoke "okay let's get some sleep we have a busy day tomorrow," I nodded my head slowly getting under the futon but grabbed my phone seeing a text from Hinata *meet me and Kageyama in the gym* I narrowed my eyes and got to my feet "sorry I need the bathroom," all the girls nodded so I placed my slippers on and slipped on a jacket before going into the cold night. As I got to the gym I saw Hinata, Bokuto, kuroo, Kageyama, and kenma all huddled in a circle so I spoke squinting my eyes "Shoyo?" I saw him smile as he got to his feet and dragged me to the group of boys, I sat down covering my legs with my jacket then spoke "so why am I here?" I saw kenma smile slightly "because I wanted to know why you switched up the team?" I looked away then spoke smiling "to throw you off," I heard him chuckle lightly as kuroo spoke, "why him?" I smirked placing a finger on my lip "it's obvious that he analyses everything during then game plus I could tell he was the leader by how accurate his sets were during the first set," I looked away for a minute then spoke "puppet master per say," I looked back into the circle seeing all the boys looking at me weirdly so I spoke with a pout "what?" I saw Hinata smile brightly "I didn't know you could tell all that!" I tilted my head then spoke knowingly "it's pretty obvious by the behaviour, also I just look into things too much it's a bad habit of mine," I chuckled seeing a small smile tug onto Kageyama's lips. After a little while I heard kuroo speak placing a hand on my head "so do you have a boyfriend?" I looked away laughing "as if, I'm like the nerd of my class back at karasuno," I heard Bokuto chuckle slightly then speak "well that's a good thing," I tilted my head then spoke "being single is a good thing?" he nodded his head then spoke with a small smirk "take it from a senpai dating can be a distraction," I suppressed my laughter slightly then spoke, "says you Mr ladies' man," I saw him frown slightly so I spoke "ah sorry didn't mean to offend you," I bowed my head then kuroo ruffled my hair spoke in a babyish voice "ahh so polite," I clicked my tongue then spoke "not you too," I saw him smile then Hinata spoke up a little defensive "relationships aren't distracting!" I smiled seeing that he was getting flushed then Kageyama spoke hitting his head "boke you can't even multitask," I chuckled getting between them. Then spoke in a calm but firm voice "now if you keep fighting I'll make you do extra laps when we get back to karasuno," I saw them both nod quickly so I smiled "good now," I glared looking at all the boys "you all have practice all day tomorrow so I suggest you all go and get some sleep," I saw Bokuto and kuroo tense a little so I smiled getting to my feet "come on," they all nodded getting to their feet and as I followed them out the gym I heard Hinata speak "her glare is like captain's, scary," I frowned a little turning off the gym lights. As I got back to the room my frown was prominent and I went straight to sleep.

Tangerine 🍊 - a Hinata Shoyo one-shotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin