Part 13 - Getting better 🤗

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The next couple of days I had swapped with Kiyoko so I was in the kitchens cooking and cleaning all day, it felt better that I wasn't in the gym with the boys and all the other teams. I stood humming while preparing the meat for dinner, but as I looked away slightly I cut open my finger causing it to bleed. I quickly got to the sink washing my finger but as I went to speak I didn't see anyone in the kitchen so I sighed wrapping my finger in a paper towel and I went to try and find a first aid box, as I turned the corner I heard Tsukishima speak "did you cut yourself, idiot," I sighed nodding my head so I saw him smirk slightly pointing to the wall as I followed his finger I chuckled grabbing the box but as I let go of the paper towel a couple of spots of blood fell to the floor. I swore bending down and cleaning the floor before making my way to the kitchen again "so why did you and Kiyoko switch?" I looked up then spoke "I thought she would want to watch some matches as she is the real manager," he nodded his head slowly as I placed some anti-bacterial onto the deep cut then placed a band-aid onto it. I sighed then spoke "I'm not very good with knives," I heard him click his tongue then speak "idiot," I smiled slightly then spoke "you should probably get back," he nodded slightly then went to leave but stopped "I do care, your part of the team," he nodded his head then left, I stood frozen for a minute then shook my head hanging up the box again and getting back to work. As I finished most of the food I saw that dinner was starting in 10 minutes, as the managers walked in they all spoke apologetically "sorry we left you to all the cooking," I smiled waving my hand "no it's okay," they all nodded then Kiyoko emerged grabbing my hands then laughing slightly "you cut your fingers," I nodded then spoke "not that good with a knife," all the girl laughed as I showed them where everything was and as I turned in the doorway I spoke clapping my hands together "do you mind if I have a shower quickly," they all nodded so I smiled bowing and taking my leave as I walked to the bedrooms I grabbed my toiletries and some clothes before heading to the showers. As the water hit my body a relaxed sigh left my lips, I chuckled washing my hair. As I was finished drying up I made my way to the canteen and went into the kitchen grabbing a drink and a small bowl of rice and miso soup. As I sat down at the table nishinoya spoke "whoa Hime is eating with us today," I smiled then spoke "how did todays matches go?" they all looked away then Hinata spoke "we lost again," I smiled sitting up straight "why do you look sad?" I saw them all turn "sounds to me that you just need to adapt and grow, seems like an opportunity to me," I saw them all smile so I nodded eating some rice. As I sat slowly eating Sugawara spoke "so why did you switch with Kiyoko?" I smiled swallowing "well she is the real manager so I thought she should sit in instead," I saw him nod slowly so I smiled then ate the rest of my dinner. After I was finished I spoke "I think I'll go sleep," I got to my feet but stopped hearing tsukishima speak "stop avoiding us," I looked at him as Sugawara scolded him, I spoke grabbing my things "I'm not avoiding you I have my own problems I need to deal with at the minute," I nodded my head then walked away going to the back and washed up my dishes then went to the room. I sighed sitting down on the futon but sighed seeing a text from mother, as I called her she spoke "how is my beautiful daughter," I chuckled "good okaasan," I heard her sigh then she spoke "Daichi says your acting strange," I groaned rubbing my face then spoke a little upset "yeah wouldn't you be if your crush called you scary and a load of boys stare at you all day," she sighed then spoke "Hime... I'm sure he didn't mean it like that also BOYS?" I held the phone away from my ear as she started to rant about guys and scumbags, I spoke pinching the bridge of my nose "OKAASAN!" she stopped taking "It's fine I'm not interested they are all third years and I'm safe," she sighed again taking a more caring tone "Hime I know it's hard but you are beautiful and I will always love you, your brother is there for you as well," I smiled "yeah I know," I heard her giggle slightly then speak kissing into the microphone "I love you, angel," I nodded chuckling then hung up the phone. I smiled feeling a bit more relieved then grabbed some jogging bottoms changing into them and placing my jacket on, I grabbed my phone and went to find someone. As I turned to the gym I saw tsukishima practicing with the third years, I smiled watching him smile as he blocked Bokuto's spike I clapped my hands lightly then spoke "good job saltyshima," I saw him roll his eyes then speak "you cheered up then," I chuckled coming into the gym but tensed as Bokuto grabbed my phone. As he handed it back he spoke "you have our numbers now," I chuckled then spoke "hmm I'll go see if Hinata wants to hang out you all look busy," I turned to the door but spoke "work hard tsukii," I chuckled hearing him groan at the nickname and made my way out, as I got to a flat bit of grass I texted Hinata *want to hang out before you go to sleep?* I waited a couple of minutes before my phone vibrated on my leg *sure I'll be out in a minute* I smiled lying on my back *I'm on the field near the gyms, see you in a bit* I chuckled closing my eyes letting the cool breeze tickle my nose.

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