Part 12 - avoidance

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As I woke up the next morning I skipped breakfast and went straight to the gym to set up as I was sweeping the floors I hear Hinata speak "Hime you skipped breakfast," I smiled looking back "Shoyo sorry I didn't realise the time," it was a lie. I saw his smile fade slightly as he walked closer to me then spoke rocking on his heels "you shouldn't skip breakfast," I nodded smiling at him then I put the broom back into the storeroom as I emerged all the team were now warming up along with the guys from another school. As I got to the benches I started scribbling in my notebook then went to fill the water bottles, after I finished I took them back to the gym and handed them out with a smile. As training finished for the day we had lost all of the games, I sat alone in the gym writing up todays results when a hand on my shoulder made me jump. As I looked up coach ukai spoke "you should go eat," I smiled waving my hands "I'm okay, I'm not really feeling well today," he nodded slowly sitting next to me then let out a sigh "you seem different today," I looked up seeing a flash of concern in his eyes so I spoke with a smile, as I closed my notebook and placed my pen down "honestly I'm fine just not feeling well," I saw him nod slowly so I sent him a smile before getting to my feet "I'll finishing cleaning the gym then turn in for the night," I bowed to the coach and went to grab a broom from the storeroom as I swept and cleaned up the balls in the gym I looked up seeing coach ukai flipping through my notebook with a small smile on his lips, as I pushed the baskets into the storerooms a loud sigh made me look back then I saw coach talking to Daichi who had a small frown on his lips. I swore mentally pushing the basket as far as I could into the room, and as I closed the doors Daichi spoke handing me my notebook "what's going on with you Hime?" I smiled slightly taking the notebook "nothing why?" he narrowed his eyes then crossed his arms. I bowed my head slowly walking away from him as I did a twinge of guilt rushed my body, I frowned walking quickly through the camp to the bedrooms. As I walked past tsukishima and Yamaguchi I could hear the sly comment coming from tsukishima so I spoke turning around speaking with a lump in my throat "just..." I nodded slightly then turned around again walking away, I didn't want to comment and I didn't want the confrontation. But before I leave further a hand grabbed onto my wrist yanking me back "why are you being so weird," I looked away from tsukishima as Yamaguchi tried to calm him down, I ripped my arm out of his grip then spoke "why it's not like you care," I turned again and walked away successfully this time. As I got around the corner I felt the tears fall and I slid my back down the wall pressing my head into my knees, I sat crying softly for a good 20 minutes before a voice made me stand quickly wiping my eyes. As I started walking Bokuto spoke, "you coming to play?" I shook my head then spoke in a stutter " thank you," I walked away quickly before he could say anything then I went into the room seeing no one was there, I got into a pair of short and a vest then climbed into the futon letting my eyes close.

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