Part 14

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The rabbit did not lie after all. There it was. I knew that the chance of Loki being inside the shop was slim but I still hoped. The sunlight was almost gone making the moment unnecessarily chilling.

When we stepped inside a little bell that was attached to the door warned the owner that he had visitors. No one in sight, only broken machines, and tools spread out on every surface. I spotted a switch and assumed it was for the lights but it did nothing.

"Anyone here?"

My flight or fight feeling kicked in. I was confident that Thor had never seen a horror movie before to understand and recognize all the red flags. I stood behind him wishing whatever monster was going to emerge from the shadows it would choose him first.

The silence was deafening. The lights opened on their own making us jump. A small wrinkled man was seated behind an unorganized desk. He pulled a cigarette and a lighter out of his suit. He lit it and drew a couple of puffs to calm his nerves. His clothes reeked smoke regardless of his try to cover it with an expensive fragrance.

"You have a couple of seconds to explain who you are before my boys in the back barge in."

His hand flicked the spent ashes into a tray.

"I am Thor of Asgard, Loki's brother."

No reaction whatsoever. He pointed at me.

"How about you? His sister?"

"Only a friend."

"Alright, then Thor and a friend...why are you lingering in my shop after hours?"

Thor was rather entertained with the old man's confidence. He was four times his size but showed no fear towards him.

"If you do not like guests you should not have left your front door unlocked."

Two men in all black clothing entered the room and stood beside their employer. I could detect their weapons inside their blazers.

"Well as you can see one had tried to do that before. People around here know better than that."

I spoke before Thor did. He could have easily offended them and got us kicked out.

"I would like to apologize for the late hour but we just arrived in Lastos and we are only looking for information."

"Well, I'm guessing it is about his brother and your friend. If you pay me more than he did I'm sure we can arrange something."

Unexpectedly Thor came prepared for this situation.

"How much did he offer you?"

"No, this is not how the game is played. You will show me an amount and I'll see if I accept it or not."

Thor was clearly desperate to find Loki. He only clenched his jaw. He placed in front of him a small sack of coins. The man held the bag and tossed it a couple of times in the air to estimate the value of it from its weight.

"Well, we have a deal."

He snapped his fingers and his enormous guards took the money and left us alone.
He gestured for us to sit on the two chairs in front of his desk and we obeyed.

"My name is Theodore. If you want me to give you information I will need your name as well, miss."


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