Chapter 1

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I strummed a few chords on my acoustic guitar, looking out the window of my bedroom. Momma knocked on the door, leaning against the doorframe. "How're you feeling, Katie?" Momma asked, brows furrowed.

I shrugged, "fine. Just the usual."

"You sure? Need a blanket? Soup? Anything?" She asked, crossing the room and sitting on my bed.

"I shook my head, "no, thanks." The blonde woman nodded, patting my leg before exiting. Red liquid dripped onto my hand from my nose. I sighed, placing my guitar in the corner and blowing my nose into the third piece of cloth today.

I waited until my nose ceased bleeding before slipping into a pair of blue flats and going down into the bakery. Momma kissed my forehead and Dad motioned for me to help him with the cake frosting. "You feeling alright?" He asked as I folded in the hand-whipped cream.

"Yes, Dad," I moaned, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind my ear before finishing. We jammed the frosting into the piping bag after I had selected the tip, piping the fluffy frosting onto the chocolate cake. The bell on the door rang as a few boys entered the bakery.

Dad gave me a look," I got it." I smiled, kissing Dad's cheek and grabbing a paper and pen, heading over to take orders. "Hello! I'll be takin' your order."

"Well, hello, hello, hello, beautiful," a shorter boy with small, dark eyes, a wide smile, and black hair looked up at me.

I chuckled, "what can I get started for ya?"

"Um..what's the special today?" A slightly older boy asked, punching the younger boy's shoulder.

"Chocolate cake," I responded.

"We'll get some of that, please," the boy grinned.

"Anything else?"

"Can I get some water?" A boy looking to be my age with jet black hair asked.

"Of course!" I left the table, slicing a few pieces of cake and filling a glass with water, balancing it all in my arms as I carried it over to the boys.

"Woah!" A ginger boy cried, taking a plate I handed him.

"Here's your water," I gave the black-haired boy the glass of water as well as a slice of cake. "And cake for you all. Anything else?" I blew a bit of hair out of my eyes.

"Katie! C'mere!" Momma called, waving me over.

"Yes, Momma?" I asked.

"Could you pull the puff pastry out of the fridge, please?" She asked, taking a rolling pin from her drawer.

"Sure!" I did as told, rolling my sleeves up and carefully taking the pastry from the bowl.

"Thanks, sweetie," she kissed my forehead and I went to my own self-designated station, taking my crepe batter out of the fridge. I started the pan. I then skillfully spread the batter around the pan, waiting a few minutes before flipping it and waiting again.

Finally, the thin pancake was finished. I pulled some strawberries and cream from the fridge, arranging both into a beautiful array. "Excuse me?" A lady asked, leaning on the glass.

"Yes?" I smiled at her.

"Can I have one of those? It smells so good!" She asked, pointing to the freshly made crepe. I had originally made it as an experiment, to see if people would like them.

"Sure! On the house," I replied, handing the plate over to her. I bent over the counter, coughing a bit, and closing my eyes. I noticed Momma's and Dad's worried expressions as another fit of coughing took my breath away.

"Is she okay?" The black-haired boy asked from the table he shared with his friends.

"I'm fine," I rasped, straightening myself.

"Are you sure, honey?" Momma asked, rubbing my back.

"Momma!" I hissed quietly, waving her away.

"I'm just makin' sure you don't need to lay down, you know how you get," she sighed, holding her hands up defensively.

"I'm fine," I sighed, turning around and placing the strawberries and cream back in the refrigerator. "I'm gonna go check on the customers."

I moved out from behind my counter, shooting Momma a side-glance as I approached the table of boys. "How are ya enjoying yer food?" I asked, meeting the black-haired boy's gaze.

"It's great!" He grinned.

"Yeah! It's really good," the older boy grinned.

"Say, can we get some of those thin pancake things?" The younger boy asked, looking at the lady eating her crepe.

"Um, sure?" I questioned why they were asking for some.

"They smell good," the ginger clarified, adjusting his cap.

"Oh, thanks," I smiled, retreating to my station.

"Katie, Katie, Katie!" My brother, Patrick, yelped, pulling on my skirt.

"Yes, Pat?" I grinned, ruffling his hair.

"Can I have one?" He asked, giving me his best puppy-dog eyes.

"Sure, lemme take care of the customers first," I chuckled, wiping my forehead with my sleeve.

"Aww," he moaned, faking his sad face.

"Customers first during hours, you know this," I poked his nose playfully, getting him to giggle. "Here, can you go get that lady's plate from her?"

The little boy nodded, dashing over to the lady that asked for the crepe and taking her plate. "Here, Katie!" He placed the plate in the sink, running over to get the dishes from the boys as well.

"Well, ain't you sweet," the older boy grinned, ruffling Patrick's hair. The boy laughed, dashing back and forth between tables and the sink in my station.

"Good job, buddy," I handed him a lollipop, watching as he went over and talked to the table of boys. I finished making the crepes, swirling a different flavor combination in each. Balancing all the plates, I approached the table.

"Here's the pineapple and mango cream," I placed the plate in front of the youngest looking boy. "And the chocolate and banana," I placed that one in front of the black-haired boy. "Strawberries and cream," this one was placed in front of the ginger boy. "And chocolate orange for you," I gave  the last plate to the older boy. "Enjoy!"

I retreated to my corner, setting to washing the dishes. I picked the first plate up after rolling up my sleeves, dropping it back in the sink as I doubled over in a coughing fit. Patrick came to my aid, backing up and yelling at Momma. "Mommy! Katie coughing red stuff!" He yelled.

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