chapter 7

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Time skip

Next morning

I let Xinlong sleep with me on my bed I mean it wasn't a big deal we had sleep overs before. We woke up hearing banging on the door. I look at Xinlong and walk over to the door.

"Baby please open the door"

Lee said softly

"Dont call me that were not dating!"

I kind of yelled.

"Just open the door"


Xinlong grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him while he open the door. I didnt even know that he was up.

"What do you want!?"

Xinlong said to Lee I could see Lee's face through the cracked door.

Lee pushed through the door and pulled Xinlong's collar. Xinlong removed his hand roughly and pushed him out the room into  the hallway Lee punched him in the face as Xinlong was about to when I stopped him with tears streaming down my eyes. I tightly hug him while I shivered and tighten my hands around his shirt. I was getting light headed when I feel the world spinning. My eyes slowly close with the world take over my body. I collapsed in Xinlong's arms while he caught me just in time before I could hit the floor.

Author's POV

Xinlong looked at Lee and carried Y/n pass him through the living room out the door. He started running with you in his arms all the way to his house where his parents opened the door seeing their own son holding his "ex girlfriend" in his arms.

"Xinlong what happened to Y/n!?!"

His mom asked with and concerned voice.

"I dont know"

Xinlong reopened while his dad got the keys to the car and drives you to the hospital. While you lay on Xinlong lap. He stroke your hair out of your face. His mom looked at him with a she going to be fine face. He nodded.As soon as you and Xinlong got to the hospital  they took you into a room and hook wires up onto your body and put in a IV.

Time skip


I woke up wanting to know what happened to Xinlong. I see Xinlong's parents that are sitting in the chairs next to me when I see Xinlong walk through the door. With 3 coffees in his hands. He looked so handsome and magical.

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