chapter 11

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2 months later

Everything is amazing now we are finally one happy family. Xinlong parts met my parents it was interesting... but yeah. Zeyu is still a single as a Pringle. Xinlong and I are in my room playing around. We went in our phones showing each other different memes. When Xinlong got a text on his phone from his mom.

After he asked me

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Yeah I mean why not?"

"I'll ask your parents."

He patted my head and left to see my parents. Little did he know I follow him. I hid behind the kitchen counter and listened.

"Mom dad can I take Y/n and Zeyu on a trip with my mom and dad?"

"Are you sure your mom is okay with that I mean they are going to take care of the 3 of you?"

"Mom trust me now we are 15 almost 16."

"Okay you can take them."

I quickly ran back into my room and sat on the bed back on my phone. When Xinlong came in and told me.  I was of course excited we needed to tell Zeyu. We ran into his room and jump on him.


I yell.

"What do you want!!"
Zeyu said clearing annoyed

"We are going on a road trip with Xinlong's parents!"

"And when are we going?"
He started gettin excited
Oo oop

Xinlong said

Time skip

Next morning early morning.

We packed all of our things waiting until Xinlong and his parents came to pick us up. We saw them come with a van. We got in and went to the gas station for snacks and other things.

|Y/n and Xinlong|

|Zeyu|     |no one |

|Xinlong's mom and dad|

We got a lot of snacks and went back on the road. Zeyu fell asleep I fix him making sure he doesn't hurt his neck.
Xinlong fell asleep on my lap as I caressed his hair. I put a blanket over Zeyu and Xinlong and look up seeing Xinlong's mom sleeping. I guess everyone is sleeping.

"Y/n can I ask you something?"
His dad spoke.

"U-umm yeah sure what is it?"

"How much do you love my son?"

He said focusing on the road.

"I love him so much I would die for him. I would like to spend my hold life with him when we get older. I wouldn't trade him. I would never cheat on him. "


What does he mean by good?!
Did i not do a good job?

Xinlong As Your BoyfriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ