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After revealing to her friends that she knew who her father was, Jane expected things to run along a bit more smoothly, and she was partly right. At least, that was the case until less than a week later, Scorpius asked her to visit him in his Manor. Jane had no reason not to come, expecting to see Albus and Ramona there as well, only to be surprised as she was told neither of them would be coming.

"How come?" she asked as they walked down the corridors to the Manor, deeper in the house. "Didn't you ask them?"

"No," Scorpius replied, perhaps a bit too casually, but Jane didn't realise. "I thought I should spend a while just with you."

"But it's been the four of us for the last year," she frowned as she turned to face him. "Why would you-"

She heard voices, more than one, and it brought her to stop talking as she concentrated to realise who was already in the house. "You have company? Who-"

It was then she recognised the voice alongside Draco's. Antonio.

Dread seized her as she turned to Scorpius with wide eyes. "You didn't."

He came to a stop and she did the same, her eyes widening even more as she realised what she had been suspecting was true. "You called Antonio and his father here?"

"I thought we had established you would talk to him and how else would that happen if I didn't invite him over?" he explained as he placed his arms on his shoulders in an effort to ground her, although it had little effect. "I told father-"

"You told your father?"

"Will you stop making everything appear so tragic?" he asked, a slight smile on his lips. "Look at me. You said you would talk to him. I just asked you to come over when he was here, told my father because I needed someone to plot this with and he's on your side. You don't have to tell him anything."

"You should have warned me," she insisted, eyes still unusually wide. "I would have worn something else-"

"What's wrong with what you're wearing now?" he raised an eyebrow down at her. "That's your usual attire."

"Yes, but-"

"Godfather likes you already," he assured her with a squeeze on her shoulders. "You just need to find the courage to tell him. If not, I'll arrange another meeting."

Jane didn't nod, only looked at the ground, nerves still prominent and Scorpius seemed to realise as he squeezed her shoulders once more. "It's not imperative you tell him. Just go and see him."

This time, she slowly nodded, managed to reign her anxiety for a while and realising this, Scorpius let go of her shoulders. He looked over her once more in an attempt to ensure she was ready, and then he turned back ahead and started walking. She was quick to follow after him.

Jane forced herself to stop thinking of all the ways this could go wrong and raised her chin, rolled her shoulders. All her life, she reminded herself, she had challenged herself. She had succeeded in all she did before. She kept repeating in her head she could do this, that she was ready. When Scorpius opened the door to enter the room the noise was coming from, she had to steel herself to keep herself from flinching.


Despite her anxiety, she couldn't help but smile as Antonio rushed over to her side the moment she entered, lips set into a wide smile. He barely managed to stop before he crashed her.

"I made Prefect!"

Her smile widened at once. "I saw it."

Antonio blinked, confusion evident for a moment before his eyes widened. He looked between Scorpius and Jane and then, he beamed. "You are the Head Girl!"

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