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"We're going to have so much fun-"

"You've said that three times already-"

"Because I mean it!"

The conversation was hushed but it was enough for Jane to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes, her gaze falling on the window where she could see the cloudy morning sky. Cleo was sitting on top of a chair in the room and as Jane stood up, she didn't pay her any mind. With slow steps she practically dragged herself against the floor as she headed to the door. She could recognise the voices—or at least one of them—by now—one of them definitely belonged to Scorpius—and so as she got close, she swang the door open. Abruptly, all conversation stopped. She peered outside, turned her head to the commotion happening right in the middle of the distance between the door to her room and Scorpius's.

Albus's eyes widened as he laid eyes on Jane. She seemed to have just woken up. She was dressed in a pair of dark grey pyjamas he had seen her wear many times before as she sometimes frequented the common room while dressed in just her nightwear, her feet dressed in a pair of fluffy purple socks. Her hair was set in a messy bun, dark curls escaping from seemingly every direction, and she let out a yawn she reached to cover with the back of her hand. For once, she wasn't wearing her earrings or the numerous bracelets around her wrists, her face bare of any make-up. Albus had never seen her when she had just woken up before. For a moment, he wondered when they had reached the point in their relationship for him to see her in such a state.

"Morning, sleepy beauty," Scorpius grinned from beside Albus as Jane dragged her eyes over to him.

"I didn't sleep for that long, did I?" she croaked, and at the deep sound of her voice, Albus hardly managed to keep himself from smiling. It was then she turned her attention to him. She sent him a half smile and a small wave and this time, he couldn't hide his amusement.

"It's not really late," he assured her, "I just got here. My parents are still here. Mr Malfoy suggested they had breakfast together and mum agreed before father could refuse."

"You must be ecstatic at the news," she grumbled as she turned away and headed back to her room. "I'll meet you in a while."

Before either boy could say a word, she had shut the door. Albus and Scorpius exchanged a look before the former spoke.

"Do you think it's a good idea to get her with us?"

Scorpius appeared confused. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Father has been asking questions about her and I don't think he likes her much."

"Did you really expect anything different?" Scorpius raised an eyebrow over at him. "She's a Slytherin. He isn't going to just accept her. Besides, you've been complaining about her to your family for years."

"Which is why I don't think this is a good idea," he insisted, "what if he says something?"

"Father will be with us, it'll be alright," Scorpius pointed out, "and if he says anything, Jane's not shy. She's going to reply the way the situation calls for."

He winced, "That's what I'm worried about."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Scorpius shrugged, "it'll be fine."

"Yeah, father doesn't think highly of me anyway," Albus rolled his eyes.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Scorpius huffed. For a moment, there was silence. Then, however, he broke it. "You don't smell like smoke anymore."

"I tried to not smoke when mum was around," he admitted with a brief shake of his head. "She doesn't like it. She hates the smell and is disappointed I've been smoking."

Glory |A. Potter|Where stories live. Discover now