~Chapter 8~

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Sorry for not posting yesterday I was very preoccupied with things and thanks alot for a more than a 100 view.


"You guys took forever" Kory exclaimed, and Nathan hummed in agreement. "Yea, sorry" he says before putting me down on my feets. "Why were you carrying him?" Nathan says with a smirk and I looked the other way and slightly blush.

"Knock it off, Nate" Kory says with his nickname "ok so what are we playing" I asked sitting down in the circle or whatever they had formed. "So we have a few card games. We have Search History, What do you meme?, If you had to? And a few others, the rest will get you drunk" Mason explains as he pulls the games out.

"So I have never heard of those before" there eyes widen "really?" Kory ask and I nod. "Ok which one would you like to play" Nathan asks.

"What do you meme? Sounds fun" I say a little unsure, I really didn't know what that was "So, to make the games a little more intersting since we've seen all the faces, how about we make our own?" I looked even nore confused.

"Oh sorry, so the game goes like this. There is a caption deck and photo deck. You pick a caption card from the deck and the judge also picks a card from the picture deck and then they determine which meme I funnier. This time we aren't using the picture deck, we're gonna be using our faces" Kory explains using the deck to show me what they look like and I finally understand.

"Ok, then let's start, Nathan you're the judge" Kory declares and Nathan just shrugs. We each took turns making the faces and judging. Kory ended up winning which was very surprising.

"That was so funny, did you see that face Mason did when it said 'When you find out your dog ate your toad'. It was hilarious" we all bursted out laughing, "Oh, oh and that face Kory made when it said 'When you accidentally pulled your principals wig in public" At this point we were wheezing "Also, the face Eden made when it said 'When you find raccoon in your trash can" We were literally on the point of dying.

"Ok, ok that's enough, I feel like I'm gonna piss my pants" Mason say heaving heavily. "Yes, its lunch time already" we all agree ans make our way down stairs me and Kory we still red and panting from the laughing.

"Holy shit are you guys ok?" Liam asks wide eyed, me and Kory stared at each other for 2 seconds, before we started laughing again. "What did you do to them?" Killian asks, that's when I realized that literally everyone was staring at me amd Kory, he noticed it to. So we just stopped laughing and I cleared my throat like I wasn't just laughing like a maniac.

I sat down and Kory sat next to me "Looked like you guy had fun" Zach says with a smile and we nods enthusiastically. Danny comes in gives us Mac n' cheese and it looked delicious. I'm probably gonna throw it up, just because I'm happy doesn't mean I'll stop my habits.

"So Eden, we would like to have a conversation with you" Zach announces everyone visible stiffens, I look around and everyone had a nervous look in their face even Killian. "Um.. Ok go on" I tell him I was also very nervous.

"Have you heard of polyamory?" He questions with a fixed expression he was the only one that wasn't nervous. He had a more calm ans steady aura to him, I mean of course its Zach.

"Yes I have, being in a relationship with more that one person, right?" I answer and also question. He gives me a firm nod. Oh, I see where this is going. I already know though.

"You're correct, everyone in this household is in relationship" he finally explains. Everyone's eyes are now on me, I just stay quiet. Was I suppose to say something? Of course you are idiot.

"Yea, I already know" I plainly say, Zach and everyone's eyes go wide. "Since when?" Danny questions

"Um.... About a week" I say with a thinking expression before looking back at them. "So how would you feel if we asked you to join?" Zach says. Now, my eyes go wide.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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