Chapter Two

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Haha!! Small disclaimer... Chaos swears, A LOT!
Not as much as Acacia tho han_art_ baha 😂

Chaos sat in their room on their bed and stared out at the setting sun. The sky was pink and blue quite pretty but not in Chaos's opinion.

Honestly I don't know how people can enjoy looking at this, they immediately stoped at stared at their paws. It makes me sick looking at all the bright colours, ha! It'll be dark soon my favourite time of the day. Why can't the world just be black and white? It would just make life so much more fucking peaceful.

Chaos heard their father come in the door stomping his feet, I think he's a bit angry. Chaos laughed at theirself, quietly.

They heard him walk angrily towards Chaos's room, holy shit, here it comes....

Chaos had never been scared of their father even when he has an outburst like this (which is ALL the time) or when he's mad, they knew that he would never lay and paw on Chaos.

Then suddenly he came crashing into Chaos's room and smashed their vases and glasses that Chaos made.

"Hey hey can you maybe do that somewhere else? Maybe instead of in my FUCKING ROOM?!" Chaos yelled over their fathers smashing.

Suddenly out of nowhere he came over and slashed Chaos across their nose, well so much for "he would never lay a paw on Chaos". "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Chaos practically screamed.

"Just because you had a bad day at work doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!"
Chaos was furious.

"This is not about work... ITS ABOUT YOU DISOBEYING ME!" Kōsen replied. Huh? I think he's gone crazy, I would never.... but after this I would definitely consider it.

Chaos stared at him in confusion, about to roll their eyes, but Chaos stopped theirself. What exactly am I supposed to say here? "Sorry father for doing nothing"? Like....

I think you need to get out of my room, father," Chaos said as calmly as they could even though they were angry. "You are not the boss of me this is my house, and as long as your in my house you play by my rules! Got it?" Kōsen grumbled.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM, KŌSEN!..." oh no. "What did you just say?" Kōsen said as Chaos looked away. Kōsen grabbed their chin roughly, "ANSWER ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!"

Chaos wanted to hit him so badly but they resisted... get they fuck out of my room. Chaos thought fiercely.

"Fine! You don't want to talk that fine... you will stay in this room until you think you can apologize to me," Kōsen stared blankly into their eyes. "And no dinner!" Kōsen said as he slammed the door.

"Aaaaargh!!" Chaos roared. That stupid shit-head thinking he can tell me what to do!

Chaos thought for a moment and thought and thought... "aha!" He said that I couldn't come to that meeting... haha guess what "father" I'm going!

Chaos grabbed their things, they usually carry around a small brown pouch but decided not to this time. The sun was set now and the sky was pitch black and had very few stars. It was a semi-cloudy night.

Chaos waited, and waited some more. They her their father say, "I'm leaving!" As soon as Chaos heard that they waited a minute or 2 just to make sure that he was gone. Finally they hopped out the window and bolted toward the meeting area.

It was a mistake that Chaos's father had shown them where the meeting place was, but Chaos was glad because now they could eavesdrop on the conversation.

Chaos ran past burnt trees and scorched grass, The Rebels main location was the burnt forest.
The meeting place was inside a hill and someone thought of the idea to put a sky hole in the middle of the meeting area.

Chaos carefully crawled on the hill and slightly peered into the sky hole. They heard their father yell and slam his paw on the rickety table, "this is an OUTRAGE!"

"I'm sorry Kōsen, sir... that's what we've heard." Chaos recognized that voice... it was Greenery.

She came to their den sometime, usually because of Chaos's father, but sometimes she came around just because of Chaos. Of course that was when Chaos was a pup, but they still liked it when she came over.

"Sir! Permission to speak freely?" Said someone Chaos didn't know. Kōsen sighed with his paw on his forehead, "permission granted." Kōsen sighed again.

The dragon Chaos didn't recognize went on, "their has been talk of The Hidden having a secret meeting tomorrow, and it is said that there will be the majority of The Chosen there as well..." he stopped for a moment and then continued, "we have enough men to push forward, I say we attack!"

That's not a terrible idea... we don't have enough soldiers but we could try I guess, but The Chosen though...

A sudden burst of commotion started, and all Chaos could hear was, "WHAT?!" And "how so?" And "we have not even close to enough amount of soldiers to take on The Chosen!"

"Stop, STOP!" Kōsen declared. And the commotion stopped abruptly. "You," he pointed at the dragon who spoke to him first, "what's your name?" The dragon looked at Kōsen, "I am Urei."
Kōsen nodded, "ok Urei... and how do you know all this? Where's your proof?"

Urei pointed to himself, then spoke, "umm ok... well I know all this because I have another dragon posted near the main 'hideout'," he said hideout in quotations, hmm I wonder why...

"And he has heard of a meeting happening tomorrow evening, with all The Hidden who want to attend and with a handful of The Chosen." Urei finished.

"Hmm..." Kōsen said thoughtfully. "It's an incredibly... stupid idea if we push!" Someone from the meeting announced. "Grrrr," Kōsen grumbled. "Get her out of my sight!"

"Yes, Kōsen!!" Greenery said. She immediately signaled and 2 burly wolves removed the dragon who spoke out. It's like they were prepared for something like that to happen.

"Ok now I'm angry, any more interruptions? No! Ok let's continue." Kōsen sighed.

"Greenery! Statice!" Kōsen hollered. "Umm... we have..." she mumbled. "We have around 50-60 dragons, 40-50 wolves, and 5-10 hybrids."

"Eeeww..." Kōsen said in a almost disbelieving voice. "Well we can-...."

Chaos didn't hear the rest because they started to back away from the sky hole. If I know Kōsen well then I know that he will attempt it, and I want to be the first one there if he does!

Chaos ran and ran they wanted to get close to that supposed, dragon is posted. Hehe maybe I can start taking out some of The Hidden so I'm at least a little bit helpful, but first... Chaos spotted a small seagull, propelled up and snapped their jaw shut around it.

Chaos chomped down and swallowed it in one gulp, they plucked some white feathers out of their teeth and then continued running.

Finally I will be free! I will not have to live in this hell hole! No one telling me what to do, what to eat, and how to fucking practice fighting! Chaos took a deep breath and then exhaled... finally!

Anyway I hoped u enjoyed Chaos!! I will show a picture soon I'm just lazy... 😌
                                      -Maddie (aka the lazy-ass)

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