Chapter Eight

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Remusssssss guyssssss 😌🤚 also I'm going to test a 1st person POV for this one... I hope u like


I looked around frantically for Akai, ahh I shouldn't have yelled at him, I should've been nicer, waitI shot my nose in the air. I swear that's— THATS SMOKE. I turned to the others, equally shocked faces as myself. "Umm guys..."

"Yeah we smell it too." Zeph said. "It's definitely smoke right? I mean it could be food burning right?" Kujaku stated nervously, "listen Remus, I know Akai could still be in here but I have a sickening feeling that that's not just burning food—"

"No. I don't care if Main Hideout is burning right under our noses, I'm not leaving without Akai." I had snapped. It came out a little harsher then I would've liked. "Ok guys..." Zeph started, "the smoke smell is definitely getting stron—"

A rumbling thunder-like boom came from what sounded like inside of Main Hideout, yep that was an explosion. It made everyone around loose their balance, shrilling screams sounded instantaneously after the explosion. "AKAI!" I cried out. I tried searching for Akai but strong paws on my forearms were dragging me out.

No get the fuck off of me! I need to find Akai! The strong paws didn't falter, no they just continued dragging. "No no no!" I thrashed around knowing that it was no use, the wolf dragging me out was just to strong. Main Hideout was on fire, the smoke burning my eyes, I teared up, from the smoke and from losing my brother.

Another explosion came, this one more viscous than the last meaning it was closer. Akai...

I just closed my eyes and excepted the paws dragging me. We bursted out of Main Hideout a alleviating breath of fresh air filled my lungs. I couldn't see much but I knew I was crying along with many others. Shit shit shit shit, I grabbed me ears agitatedly. I wept silently and felt the strong paws wrap around me in comfort, I had embraced the hug not really knowing who it was.

With a gasp I quickly realized who the strong paws were and who exactly I was hugging, it was Kujaku. My heart started beating more rapidly, I smelled in Kujaku's fur, it smelt mostly of smoke but also faint and flower-like. "Are you ok Remus?" Kujaku let go of me and looked me right in my eyes. "Of course I'm not Kujaku. I most likely just lost my brother... how could I've been so stupid!" I replied.

The rain started coming down hard as unforgiving, it could have been someone with the Power Of Weather or this was a crazy coincidence. Either way it felt nice and it matted down my fur so it was slick. The weather felt right, rain was sad and gloomy. It truly felt right. I let out a sad, sad sigh. Kujaku noticed me sulking and placed a paw on my shoulder, I tensed up.

"You weren't stupid, I assure you he his around here probably looking for you." Kujaku looked at me, I didn't return the look. "C'mon let's go find him." I looked around mainly for Akai but also for Zeph. "Don't worry about me guys, yeah I'm right here—" as if my mind had called him. "Let's go find your brother." Zeph said.


We looked around the fallen, resting bodies in search for Akai, so far no luck. "It's no luck... we won't find him like this." I finally said. Zeph made a snort and I glared daggers at him. "Don't talk like that! We will find him." Kujaku said reassuringly.

I noticed two wolves looking quite suspicious, I got Kujaku's and Zeph's attention and signalled to the two wolves.

"Should we go after them?" I asked, "They look like they don't want to be followed."

"Yeah... but they could be up to no good." Zeph replied. "Which is exactly why we should follow them." Kujaku smiled at me, I could feel myself blushing. "Ok thennnn... so we're following? If we are"— I pointed towards the two wolves— "we should go now." We started walking as inconspicuously behind them as possible, we were still far behind the wolves. Where were they going? They definitely look like they don't want to be followed.

Hmm, they disappeared over a hill and I whispered to Zeph and Kujaku. "We have to be quiet I don't know where they went, just stay silent." They nodded. I heard the distant mumbles of a conversation, multiple conversations. We crouched over the hill, the mouth of a cave was right under us.

I went around to the left of the entrance, slightly peered in, and sitting there, mouth bound, was Akai. My face lit up and without thinking I burst into the cave, "Akai!" I hollered. "Don't move another muscle, wolf." A blue angry looking wolf threatened. As fast as a bullet one of the wolves we were following gripped Kujaku by the shoulders, opened her mouth exposing her teeth, and moved her fangs dangerously close to his neck.

"Move on more muscle and your friend here gets a taste of Hell."

Short chapter this time 😌

If u enjoyed the 1st person POV then I will change all the past and future chapters to that!!



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