Chapter Five

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No starting description this time, enjoy 😌


Remus was flying with Akai on his back straight towards Main Hideout, they took a small detour because Remus noticed that they were SUPER early. Remus's friends Zephon and Kujaku, Kujaku... Remus thought dreamily.

Kujaku's and Zephon's dens were very close to Main Hideout so if they were late for whatever reason they could easily get there quickly. "Remus!" Akai scoffed, "where are we goingggg?!"

Remus sighed, "We have time to spare so we are going to meet up with Kujaku and Zephon before they leave." Akai rolled his eyes, "fine." You don't really have a choice, I'm the one with magical powers and I'm the one with wings.

The sun was setting and Remus could see the dim shining stars overhead, it looked as though the sky was a black canvas and someone splattered glow-in-the-dark paint all over it. This was Remus's favourite time of day, it was a good temperature, it was good lighting, and it was indeed very pretty.

Remus was approaching Kujaku's and Zephon's dens, he landed gracefully on the grass right in front of their doors, Kujaku and Zephon were neighbours. Remus knocked on Zephon's door first, "just a minute!" Someone from inside answered. The person who hollered opened the door it was Zephon's older sister Lilith, "oh! Hey Remus, hey Akai. Come in come in!" Lilith fixed her fur in a small wall mirror.

Lilith is a tall light blue wolf, she wore tons of jewelry including 3 earring on both ears (1 hoop earring and 2 chain earrings), a gold collar embedded with 3 sapphires, and 2 lace bracelets on her wrists. She had the same shiny black wings and halo as Zephon, and Remus was pretty sure she had a crush on him, Remus wanted to make it very clear that he did NOT like her back... he was into someone else.

"ZEPHON!!" Lilith bellowed. "Yeah yeah, 'coming." Zephon replied. "Haha, Remus! Good to see you!"

"Hey Zeph! Good to see you too!" Remus said. They did some sort of paw-shake that Lilith rolled her eyes to. "I came here so you, Kujaku, and I could fly together to Main Hideout. Your coming, right Zeph?" Remus questioned. "Yeah!" Zeph replied, shrugging his shoulders, "I was talking to Kujaku earlier and he said that he wasn't going... sorry Remus."

"Oh... are you sure?" Remus said sadly, "maybe we should go talk to him, together." Why wouldn't he go? He has to come with us.... Remus thought of his eyes, his gorgeous harvest moon eyes. "Good idea! Lilith we will be back... we are going to talk to Kujaku!" Zephon hollered to his sister.

"Zephon! You. Will. Be. LATE!!" Lilith hollered back, rolling her eyes, "just don't dilly-dally!"

"Ok c'mon Zeph, you too Akai," Remus said ushering Zephon out of his den. They were FINALLY out of Zeph's den and walking to Kujaku's, hopefully we can talk him into coming... Remus knocked on Kujaku's door.

A voice from inside sounded like Kujaku's, "Who's 'ere?"

"Erm- uhh.." Remus stuttered. "It's Zephon, Akai, and Remus!" Zephon said, stepping in for Remus. "Oh yes, c'mon in!" Zeph opened the door and they all strolled into Kujaku's house. "Heya friends!! So good to see you, Remus and Akai!" Kujaku proclaimed. Friends... just friends.

Kujaku came over and hugged Remus and Akai, Remus wished he could stay in Kujaku's grasp forever. But the marvellous thought ended when Kujaku let go of Akai and Remus.

"We just came to try and convince you to come to Main Hideout with Remus, Akai, and I." Zeph said. "We haven't seen each other in a very long time and who knows when we will see each other agai-." Remus started, "YEAH!" Akai loudly interrupted. Remus shook his head and Akai gave him a "what" glance.

"And you ALL want me to come?" Kujaku questioned. They all nodded their heads in unison. "You guys know I hate meetings, ESPECIALLY when they say it's 'important' because it's never truly important. But, you do all make good points and since you all want me to come, I think I'll stay."

"WHAT?!" Remus roared, "Haha I was joking, of course I'll come! You should have seen your face, Remus." Kujaku laughed. Remus huffed, but he was truly EXTREMELY happy that Kujaku was coming.

"We gotta go now though... wait is Lilith going Zephon?" Kujaku glanced at Zeph, "no, she's not... she has to take care of the den, I think I'm going to be gone for a few days afterwards." Zeph replied.

"Alrighty let's go guys," Kujaku said, ushering them all out of his den. Zephon took to the sky first, flexing his large, shiny black wings, Kujaku second, and Remus third. It took Remus a little longer because Akai had to get adjusted comfortably. And they were flying again toward Main Hideout, the sky was dark now which meant the meeting would start momentarily.

Remus glanced over at Kujaku and his ocean blue wings, he looked tired almost as if he hadn't flown in a while. I hope one day.... I hope one day he will see me the same way I see him... His thoughts were abruptly ended because Akai batted Remus's face with his paw, "What the hell, Akai!" Remus yelled. "Haha you had dreeeamy eyes," Akai held his paws together and fluttered his eyelashes, "Who were you thinking of?" Remus huffed, "You can't even see my eyes! Now shut your face, we're arriving... try and LOOK presentable please?"

"Ok mister dreamy eyes. Then you quite fiddling with fathers necklace!" Snarked Akai. "Whatever Akai," Remus rolled his eyes. Remus did notice he was indeed fiddling with HIS necklace, he immediately stopped and straightened his fur.

They all landed in unison, "ok Remus were entering in a single file line so you lead," Kujaku said. "O- Oh me? Ok!" Remus shot his head to to stars. Remus shoved Akai off his back, snickering, "heh heh heh."

"Hmph-" Akai didn't look very happy. Remus opened the screen door thing that was on the entrance-way, two guards with armour stopped them as they tried to enter, "Names and reason for entering Main Hideout!" The guards demanded. "Umm we are here for the meeting that should be taking place now, and Remus," Remus pointed to himself and the others as he said their names, "Akai, Kujaku, and Zeph. erm- Zephon sorry."

They stopped and looked at a name chart and nodded, "ok come right in, enjoy yourselves!"

"Thank you so much!" Remus waved at the two dragon guards, "Ok Akai stay close to me alright? Don't need you getting lost."

"I can take care of myself, hmph-" Akai pouted.
"Mhm sure you can Akai, sure." Remus said, smirking at his brother. They walked on and Remus glanced behind him at Kujaku... and the others, yep he had everyone. Akai was in the back mumbling something to himself, he's... Weirddd.

The meeting hadn't started yet but he could tell it was about to, he almost knocked on the door. Remus noticed he hadn't heard Akai's whining in a while. He then heard someone shriek somewhere close by, he was now alert. Remus listened, it was hard to hear through all the rustling of Main Hideout but he thought heard someone yelling a name... Remus was certain that that name started with a W, but he couldn't be sure. He looked over his shoulder at the others' terrified faces and gasped, "umm Remus, Akai's... gone."


God, sorry guys... this was a kinda wasted chapter I should have made this one somehow fit into the first one with Remus...

The story isn't progressing the way I want it too... sorry but I think since everyone is now at Main Hideout the story should move on

Anyway I hope u enjoyed this chapter, next chapter I will have pictures of EVERYONE!!


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