Chapter Four

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And we are back to Wavebreaker!! Haha my boi! Sorry it took so long for this chapter to be published lol I was severely unmotivated 😅 anyway Enjoy!

Wavebreaker made sure he had everything he needed for the trip to Main Hideout. it's only a few days, Wavebreaker thought, nothing to worry about, nothing at all.

Wavebreaker's talons started twitching nervously, but in a few days so many things could happen, so many...

Lavender peeked around the corner at Wavebreaker, she walked over saw his twitching talons, his nervous face, and his lightly shaking tail. He abruptly stoped shaking as Lavender took his talons in hers, "it will be ok, Wavebreaker."

Wavebreaker turned away and stared at the wooden treehouse floor, "look at me Wave." She gently pulled his chin towards her so they could look eye to eye, "it. will. be. ok. You understand me?" Lavender said.

She pulled him in for a hug and Wavebreaker just gave her a soft nod through teary eyes and excepted the hug. After the quite lengthy hug Lavender turned away and was back to rushing around and cleaning up their home. Wavebreaker helped her.

She truly does make my life worth living, he thought as he picked up a book from off the ground. I still don't want to go but it will help and I want to at least try to be helpful... but what if I screw up? What if someone figured out my secret? What if they use me against The Hidden? What if they use me against LAVENDER!? The questions go on and on inside his head, much like a never ending maze of what if's.

He placed the book on his bookshelf and before Wavebreaker knew it, they were ready for the long fly to Main Hideout, it was about a single days fly with no stops. Both Wavebreaker and Lavender decided to leave before the sun rose on the meeting day so that they could make it in time, as well as stop to rest and eat.

"Do you have everything, Wave?" Lavender said. It took Wavebreaker a moment to answer, "y- yeah I think so..." he looked over his shoulder at his beautiful, quiet, peaceful treehouse home and sighed, "yeah we have everything."

He smelt the old wood treehouse. They ate all the pastries the night before but he could still smell them, slightly. Hopefully this won't be my last time smelling this wonderful treehouse... no don't think like that! It won't be... it... won't be.

"Alrighty then," she nodded cheerfully. "And remember, stay close to me once we get there, ok? It will make you feel safe and it will make sure that you don't get lost," Lavender said. "Ok," Wavebreaker replied.

It didn't bother him that Lavender maybe babied him, it actually made him feel safer throughout the years. "Ok! Let's goooooo!!" Lavender proclaimed.

She was definitely way more excited then he was, he smiled at her and her excited goofy face, "that's the first time I've seen you smile all day," Lavender smiled back at him.

"Now let's go you big sappy blue dragon!" Lavender hollered. "Ok ok," he laughed. They leapt off their treehouse and into the crisp dew filled morning air.

It was indeed very exhilarating to fly in the morning with the light glow of stars overhead and the sun just peeking over the horizon.

Wavebreaker did some flips and swirls in the air to stretch out his wings. Lavender was quicker then him because of her huge wings so she had to keep circling back to him, just to make sure they stayed together.

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