Chapter Nine

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Chaos this time ig, also I'm going to write in 1st person again...

The red winged wolf glared at me, I just gave him a toothy grin. "You know I could kill you, and your wolves in an instant—"

"Then do it." He interrupted. I scoffed, I have to think about this one... he could really have any power to kill me now, but I have fire and I don't worry about shit like that. Just as I thought that, I snapped and blocked the cave entrance with roaring flames, double his height. The flames illuminated the dark space, it was still lightly raining outside but my fire wouldn't go out that easily.

"There, now no one can escape and know one will know what happened here." I said with a malicious smile. "What if I have Power Of Souls? Then what?" He smirked. No way, no no. Everyone around all looked scared at that statement, they all had nervous, anxious faces.

"Ok. Save your friends then. If you're all mighty."

"Don't do it Remus!" A shiny black winged hollered. Remus awkwardly smiled back at him. "Remus eh? Odd name." I said. The fire still roared behind everyone. "Oh and yours is better?" Remus glared at me. "Of course my name is better, any name is better than Remus," I scoffed.

Are we really in a name war right now... "your name then?" Remus questioned. I don't know if this fuck should know my name, eh- it wouldn't hurt. "Chaos. My name is Chaos." I murmured. He said nothing. "Ok, so now we know each other's names, let me introduce you to my prisoners." I smirked at Remus. I walked over to Aurora first, making sure my back was never turned to Remus.

I hovered my paw over Aurora for a second, a second too long. I debated whether to touch her, damn it I have too. "This is Aurora." I felt something inside me when I said her name, some sort of longing. I quickly shoved that feeling back down and walked to Aquarius, grabbed her chin and said, "This is Aquarius, Aqua for short—"

"No! Not Aqua for short," she mocked me when saying Aqua, "Just Aquarius." She finished sternly.

"I will call you whatever the fuck I want to call you, got it?"

I stepped to Akai and stroked his little ears, Remus flinched when I touched him. "And this is—"

"I know who that is! Don't touch him!" Remus said threateningly. "Ah I see, and how would you know him? Wait never mind, I don't care... moving on."

Remus growled angrily at me, I gave him a little smile and moved on.

Finally the last one, I hopped joyfully to Wavebreaker, still making sure my back is NEVER turned. Never know what could happen. Wavebreaker still had a scratch on his top fin where I clawed at him, he gave an irritated growl low in his throat when I grabbed his chin. It definitely hurt him but he said nothing. "This is Wavebreaker. Dumb fuck doesn't talk much." I finished.

"Ok so what's happening here?" Remus asked me, "Whatever do you mean? Remus." I replied. "I mean, who is being a new prisoner here, you or me?" Hmm....

I have a splendid idea, I'm going to be this shits' 'prisoner' as he calls it, and then I will get in his head and have him lead me to their leader— the leader of The Peace Makers and The Chosen— Cherry Blossem. After I see Cherry Blossom I will kill her, decimate her 'base' and I will finally be worth something to my father and The Rebels.

"I will make a deal with you, if I become your prisoner... wait, if I become your prisoner where would you take us?" I pointed to Taipan and Chikara when saying us. "Well I would probably take you to Cherry Blossom—" Remus said but I interrupted, "REALLY??"

"Yeahh... as I was saying, Cherry Blossom will be moving to her bunker because of the explosion," he glared daggers at me. "Everyone thinks it's a threat on her, which I'm sure it was. Her bunker isn't too far away from here, maybe a 7 days walk. Not all of us have wings so we have to walk. But, you must unbind Wavebreaker, Aurora, Aquarius and Akai, you don't have to be bound but we have to trust you so no fire." Remus finished... FINALLY.

"And how the fuck are you going to take away my fire?" I cursed at him. "I have a friend on the way... he makes bracelets, wait- Zeph don't you have a spare in your pouch?"

"My- my what? You mean my telescope pouch?" Zephon questioned Remus. "Yeah, I remember a pair in the pouch, pass 'em over." Zephon reached into the pouch and pulled out a pair of shiny gold bracelets, they looked as though they wouldn't fit me.

"No way in hell are those going to be able to fit me." I told Remus. "They fit to anyone, I guess you could say that they are magical. The purpose of them is they latch on to you and cut of your main vein on your wrist so you won't be able to command fire. There're tight so they may hurt but you'll get use to them." Remus said, "now before I put these on, let them all go— Wavebreaker, Akai, Aquarius, Aurora, Zephon and Kujaku."

"Deal..." I mumbled. "Hmm what was that?" Remus mocked. "DEAL SHITHEAD!"


Once everyone was unbound Remus put the bracelets on me, they were definitely tight and they hurt like hell but I wasn't about to go around and complain.

Remus was the first one to talk once I was bound, "ok then let's go meet Cherry Blossom!"


Wooooo Maddie is alive... sorry it took so long to finish 🙄

I hope u enjoyed ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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