Chapter Three

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Ok ok!! This is one of my new characters!! Most people won't know who he is!! But it is my wolf oc, Remus!!! Also keep in mind that he has the Power Of Souls, if you don't know what that means look at my introduction!
Anyway ENJOY!!

"No no no no, NO!" Remus mumbled, "I don't want to go!" Why can't life be simple and easy, like no stupid powers that nobody knows about but me, no wars, no fighting in general, and never leaving the comfort of my home... wait scratch that last one, I like adventures... but adventures, ALONE!

"Let's go you lazy sack of bones!" Remus's younger brother complained. "Oh my god-..." Remus whispered, "you know you can't move me even if you tried, right Akai?" There is no way you could ever move me, I'm bigger then you and I can just enchant you to do whatever I choose. Not that I would ever enchant you.

Remus laughed as Akai attempted to push Remus out the door.

"Remusssss!!" Akai hollered. Akai sat down on Remus, "let's, GOOOO!!!" Remus laughed again.

"Ok ok I will go, but only because I know you will not leave me alone." Akai smiled and got off of Remus, "Yay!! My first ever meeting, Remus! Isn't it exciting?"

Absolutely not! Meeting are never exciting, never! But I don't want to ruin Akai's experience, he's just so happy...

"Yeah," he said instead, "pretty exciting." Akai beamed at Remus and Remus just smiled back.

A moment past and Akai was rushing around the den trying to collect everything. Remus spotted his fathers old necklace. It was sitting so neatly on a shabby, dark, wood table. The necklace was a small silver chain and in the centre of the chain there was a small, shiny gold coin.

His father never wore it so it wouldn't notice if it went missing. Remus looked around and took it when Akai wasn't looking.

He looked up and saw Akai looking at him and Remus tried to look inconspicuous, "so Akai do you have everything? And just to let you know that we aren't going for days and days... we are probably going to be gone for maybe one night," Remus said to Akai.

"Yep! I think so..." Akai replied. "Mhmm, ok I'm sure you do... now let's go!" Remus ushered Akai out the door, "If you want to go and make it on time we have to go now!"

Remus thought for a moment. No I don't need to tell mother and father that we are leaving they both know we will be at the meeting... I'm pretty sure their going too.

Akai rushed out the door. "Akai stay right there, I have to.... get.. something!" Remus hollered. Remus ran down the hallway towards his room and waited for short second, turned toward his wall, and whispered to the necklace.

"Enchant this necklace," Remus muttered softly to it, "enchant it so that anyone who wears is will have enough energy to fly around the world at least 3 times without getting tired." Remus thought but then he also said, "the enchantment can only change or disappear if I command it to"

The necklace shook softly and then stopped. Remus put it over his head and it sat nice and heavy on his chest. He quickly shot out of his room toward the entrance door where Akai was standing impatiently.

"Are we ready, now?" Akai said, irritated. "Yes! Hop on my back!" Remus replied. "Wait... thats fathers old necklace! Why are you wearing it?" Akai questioned. "Umm... I— I just wanted to look nice and presentable." Remus responded. Akai nodded, suspiciously. "ok..."

Akai hopped on Remus's back. Remus had to push Akai's tails out of the way. It took Akai a second but then he got comfortable and Remus took off.

It was a good thing that Akai was tiny and barley weighed anything. Remus and his father are the only ones in the family with wings, Remus's obviously being the strongest. Now even stronger with the necklace. Remus had to carry his brother and his awkward tails the whole way and that was half of the reason he didn't want to go to the meeting.

Akai is small but carrying someone one your back for most of the day is extremely exhausting.

Remus had to admit that flying is one of the greatest feelings in the world, soaring like a bird over the beautiful landscape, and swerving through mountains.

It was a gorgeous evening, the sun was starting to set so the sky was a faint pink-ish yellow and there was not a single cloud in sight. The mountains casted shadows over the ground beneath Remus and Akai.

"are we almost thereeeee?" Akai whined, "I'm hungey!" Remus shook his head in annoyance, "yes, we are almost there. Cant you wait and eat once we are there? They always have a big buffet." Akai shook his head vigorously, "nope!"

Remus sighed, "fine let me catch you something." Remus swooped down, "aha" he saw a small mountain goat, soared towards it, and picked it up. It screeched with fear, he didn't have time to kill it himself so he handed it over to Akai, "here, I don't have time! make it shut up! And please don't get anything on my fur, I want to look presentable."

"Oooooo! Who are you trying to, impresssss?" Remus looked back at him and his smug face. Remus tried to swat him with his paw but Akai ducked.

"Hey that's not fair! I can't even escape I don't have wings!" Akai cried. "Oh it's most definitely fair." Said Remus. Akai huffed.

Neither of them said anything for a while, "we are almost there, Akai!" Remus proclaimed.

He saw the distant black shapes of dragons and wolves all clattered together, and one by one moving into the main hideout.

Ok here we go, time to go to the meeting....
It never occurred to him of what the meeting would be about, I really have no idea, maybe it's about us going into another battle...

I highly doubt that, Cherry Blossom doesn't really do battles twice a week, I guess we just have to find out....

Remus exhaled softly and soared to the main hideout in desperate longing to go back home or drop Akai off and fly in the opposite direction, no it is my job to protect him, even if it means going into a place where people could take me away forever or figure out my secret.


Sorry for the shorter chapter, I'm not that motivated rn! But thats ok lol I will get back to writing more chapters soon!
Btw Power Of Souls is really just the same as animus magic (if u know, u know)

-maddie 😌

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