Chapter Six

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Chaossssss!! Hehe, before I start this chapter all the OCs are in human years, so Chaos is 16 that's 16 in HUMAN years. There is a dog years in my book 😌 (same with the dragons, they're in HUMAN years.)

Heart racing, Chaos made it to the outpost where they found some of their old "Friends". I don't make friends... they just slow me down, fuck I don't have TIME for friends. I have a job to do... a reputation to uphold.

Chaos met with two wolves roughly the same age as them, Chikara, and Taipan. Chikara is a short, female, wolf and she is 15 years old. She has cerulean blue wings, her fur is messy and the colour of dark green with blue streaks, she has some coral pink fur. Taipan is about the same height as Chaos, she is also the same age as them (16). Taipan is a fang-bared female wolf with a snake companion, her snakes name is Daisy. Her fur is kept neat, and the fur running down her back is yellow and bright pink, it stops at her tail. The pink fur that is separated from the white fur is a dark plum-purple, she also has a rather scary black scorpion tail.

They all ran together to Main Hideout, Chikara and Taipan ran in the forest to avoid being seen by others flying by, Chaos though ran near the forestry but they could still be seen if something flew by. Guess what, someone did fly by... TWO someone's in fact. Chaos didn't notice the blue dragon flying until he was very close to them.

Chaos noticed to blue dragon and bolted into the woods, him... he saw to much of me. "Chaos?" Chikara mumbled, interrupting Chaos's thoughts. "What?" Chaos answered. "Are we going straight to Main Hideout? Like what's our plan? You kinda just came and told us to follow you to Main Hideout."

She was right, Chaos never even really talked to Chikara and Taipan. "Ok guys, stop!" Chaos hollered. Chikara and Taipan were panting, lazy ass's. "My father is planning to invade Main Hideout in about a week, he's going to try and force as many as he can to join The Rebels. He said that I couldn't do anything, he said that I wouldn't be helpful! Well guess what he can suck it!" Chaos roared, "we are proving him wrong we are going to kidnap 3 of The Hidden today and if we're lucky we might get a Chosen!"

They seemed to nod in agreement, "I will explain more when we arrive, Capeesh?" They both nodded their heads vigorously, "ok then LETS GET THE FUCK TO MAIN HIDEOUT!" Chaos finished.

They were running again, there was still about a half an hour of running to Main Hideout.


Chaos was standing majestically on a tall hill facing Main Hideout, with Chikara and Taipan beside them Chaos definitely looked like a hero in the movies. "Ok you two listen up, see that over there?" Chaos pointed at Main Hideout, "THAT is Main Hideout. Our jo-,"

"Are you sure that's Main 'Hideout'?" Taipan interrupted, "it's not much of a hideout." Chaos scowled at Taipan. "Don't you EVER fucking interrupt me again!" Chaos pressed their paws to their temples and sighed in annoyance, "I am aware that it is not a hideout but it's called Main Hideout! That's why I'm saying Main HIDEOUT. May I continue?" Chaos gestured to themself. Dumb bitch.

Chaos continued, "Chikara! You will sneak in first, Taipan you second, and then of course me third. You guys will find someone who is kinda hidden away from everyone else and thwack them in the head, make sure that they are unconscious! There is a small cave right under us," Chaos pointed downward, "You will bring one back here and watch until I return! Does that make sense?"

"Yep!" They both said simultaneously. "Ok remember one each, and STAY HIDDEN don't look at anyone and don't talk to anyone. Ok let's go!" I need to watch them go into Main Hideout. I don't need them sneaking off. "Ok Chikara, GO!" Chikara bolted as if someone was chasing her, she swiftly snuck under the woven tarp that covers Main Hideout. "Ok Taipan, GO!" Taipan took her PLEASANT time. Chaos was grumbling to themself.

"Ok my turn," Chaos whispered. Chaos ran down to the tarp, looked around, then snuck in. Chaos was immediately blasted with load noise and smells of a basic marketplace, bread, fish, berries. It was not a pleasant mixture of smells. Chaos stuck to the edge, hoping to find someone sulking around, no luck.

"Waitasecond..." Chaos mumbled. It was HIM, it was that blue dragon who spotted Chaos when they were running. I need him, that's who I'll get. The blue dragon was at a shawl hut admiring a black shawl, the hut owner was not present so Chaos picked up a piece of shabby wood and smacked the blue dragon right between his horns.

He fell unconscious right away... ohh Chaos never though about dragging a whole unconscious dragon out of Main Hideout. HmMm I will just inconspicuously drag him out of the Hideout. They dragged the unconscious dragon out of Main Hideout, it was actually surprising... easy.

Chaos dragged him all the way up and over the hill and into the cave. Taipan was back already with a tiny unconscious pale blue wolf. The tiny wolf had two odd looking red tails. Taipan stroked Daisy's chin elegantly. "Wow you got him quick." Chaos examined the small wolf, "and HOW will he help us? He's so small and young!"

"To be fair you never specified WHO to get, for all we know he could have the Power Of Souls." Taipan said. "Pfft- yeah Power Of Souls... if it even exists anymore. Who the fuck knows."

They heard something overhead, Chaos motioned to be quiet. Chikara bursted into the cave with TWO body's. "Oh my GOD!! CHIKARA! I told you only ONE! I see TWO body's here!" Chaos yelled at Chikara, "now we can't just put them back! They're now important... some-what. You dumb bitch!"

Hey! But I still got two!! Plus they were really easy to get they were just standing like civilized wolves, pfft. So yeah! SUCK IT TAIPAN!" Chikara huffed at Taipan, and Taipan scowled at her. Daisy hissed at Chikara.

Whatever, Chaos stared down at the 4 body's, now we can start the interrogation!


Ok things are going much quicker now 😌
anyway ik I did say I would give u guys pictures of everyone but it's not working for some reason... I'm sorry....

-Mads 🥲

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