Chapter 2

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Not at all disappointed when my 2nd and 3rd hour was extremely boring. When the bell rung after the 3rd hour, it meant lunch. Well, people in older grades - like high school's - lunch.

I quick from my lunch bag and sat at a table to wait for my friends. I'm normally the first one here. Addie, Cameron, Taylor, and Izzy follows after me. Taylor is a guy – just an fyi.

We all put ourself in a group and the rest of agree in our way. I'm the 'famous' one, Addie is the sports girl, Cameron is our art guy, Taylor is smart one, and Izzy is the pretty one.

"So... I met a guy." Cameron states.

Yes, he's gay. We love him. We even went out to Pride to support him. Though, I've been questioning my sexuality recently...

"What's he like? Is he cute?" Addie asks.

"Only extremely!" Cam laughs.

He shows a picture of him, and he looks cute. I hope he's decent and nice to Cameron. He's had horrible past relationships.

All of this has made me forgotten about earlier with Dylan... then with Frank. Until now. The group was talking as I spaced out for a while.

Thinking about the harsh slap, the chance of my brother keeping a secret. I can't imagine the reaction from my parents if they knew.

"Y/n?" The group all questioned.

"Ya? What's up?"

"Hey, you okay?" Izzy asks with concerned.

I answer with a nod, engaging more into their conversation. The whole lunch hour was great until throwing away my garbage. Dylan had to be there as well. "Well, well, well..." he starts.

I was freaking out on the inside but acted calm and collected on the outside. "Isn't is little miss perfect. A daddies girl." He teased. I froze up all of a sudden. "What? Speechles?"


"Whatever you say, Speight. Don't forget to cry and whine to your rich daddy."

He starts to walks away before returning back and stood right in front of me. "I'd like to see what daddy has to say when he sees you with a bruised face."

Dylan throws a punch at my face, only causing me a bloody nose. He walks off after that, and the school staff appears to not care since none are around.

I crouched to the floor, hearing murmurs and footsteps gathering close. It was mainly my friends, but I saw my brother's face.

"Frank, no- go back to class." I tried to swat him away.

I didn't want him too see me like this, but he stuck around. I turned to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't tell mom and dad. I'm begging you, Franky."

He pulled out a napkin from his pocket, giving it to me. I chuckled and stood back up, facing my friends. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the announcement speakers went off.

Y/n Speight to the main office. Y/n Speight to the main office.

I knew that was my cue to leave school. My dad came to pick me up so we could get to the airport. Well, more like: he gets me checked out of school, I drive my car home, then hop in his car off to the airport.

Grabbed everything, said adios to friends, and wiped off the blood and tears. I headed in the office to see my dad standing there.

He gets me all set to get out, and we had small talk about my day. We reached my dad's car and I saw his friend, Rob, in the front seat.

"Hey, kiddo"

"Hey again"

All three of us had a short talk about things until I walked over to my car. Drove back to the house, dropped off my school bag, and hopped in the back of my dads car.

Our bags were stuffed in the trunk, so that wasn't a remembrance thing. It took a bit to get to the airport, so I talked about my day since they asked. With the 'being punched' left out.

"...oh, and saw a movie Jensen and Danneel was in together. It was weird but good."

"Your teacher let you watch Ten Inch Hero, an R rated movie, in class? Please tell me you looked away at the nudity." My dad said.

"Don't worried, I did."

Then I trailed off about my thoughts and reactions to the movie, and it came a conversation of the three of us.

Once we got to the airport, we went through the usual things. When finished, the three of us was seated near our gate flight. Tired, I rested my head on my dad's shoulder. "You tired?"

I slightly nod and head at kept quiet, hearing my dad and Rob go through the weekend's schedule. I pulled out my phone to see a lot of notifications.

Most of them were messages coming from my friends. Asking if I'm okay- blah blah blah. I responded with the simple 'Im fine' and set my phone down.

If you're wondering how the boys would get home from school; mom's picking them up.

We waited for a couple of minutes until Matt Cohen shoes up. The guys greet each other and I give a basic "hey Matty"

The four of us waited about an hour or so before they called out our gate. We hear it and stood up, my dad going first boarding the plane.

Getting seated, I had the window while my dad and Rob was next to me. Matt was in the same row but across from us. Me being me, I took my phone out and snapchatted that.

A short video on Matt then moved over to the other two to make dumbass faces. I captioned it as, 'Matt Cohen all alone' and posted it on my story.

"Hey dad, how terrified are you?" I smirked.

"Oh shut it you, I'm doing good."

He's afraid of flying, but he's gotten better at it over the years. I still love to make fun of him every time.

Daydreaming outside the window, we all hear the turbulence go off. It slowly takes off and now in the air. Going down to Texas.

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