Chapter 8

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The end of spring break was here and now its back to school. How exciting. Being at school like normal, halfway through the day, I planned on telling the gang about my girlfriend.

I don't know why I haven't said it earlier, but I'm sure they understand. With lunch being now and waiting on everyone, I got so nervous.

Just like that – a text from Sky. It made me light up and calmed me down. The gang started to show up so I pocketed my phone. Dylan hasn't been seen in my vision yet, but I'm sure I'll see him soon.

Once the last one showed up, my mind filled with thoughts on how to say it. My thoughts were overruled by them talking, mostly about their spring break. "What about you, Y/n?"

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"At least she admits it." Cam said.

I give him a bitch face before talking about my fun spring break. I cleared my throat, giving the news crystal clear. "Also... I met someone and she became my girlfriend."

They were all intrigued, especially Cam. Since he's in a same sex relationship. "Did you find a label to fit you or still looking?" He asked and I responded back, "I'm pan."

For the most part, they all seemed happy with my choice. Izzy seemed to ease up, asking for a name and pictures. It might've been a bad decision for her... but oh well.

Pulling up the first picture I found, I passed the phone around the table. It was the selfie Jared took that night. As I pointed to Sky, they all recognized her from my snap story, but was still all so happy for me. Less of Izzy though.

"Girl, she better treat you like the queen you deserve to be." Cam said.

"Cammy, don't be getting jealous. You're also a queen as well." I said with a smile.

He stuck out his tongue before I whipped my head to the others. Addie and Taylor were happy about it, but Izzy seemed too quiet.

I scrolled through my camera roll, showing off pictures of her. Some from the con and some of her sending snaps. My favorite one is a snap captioned: I miss you baby

That was from last night and I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really like her. We talked about the pace we should go at for our relationship and we seem to be doing fine.

I can't wait to see her again. Been only days since we saw each other in person... but shh.


It was the end of the day, bell will ring in about a minute while everyone starts packingg up and getting ready to leave. "Y/n, may I speak with you?" my French teacher asked.

Students gave me looks, some 'oooohs' were slightly pressuring. I slung my bag around my shoulder and walked up to my teachers desk just before the bell went off.

Footsteps were stomping and decreasing by the second as everyone hurries out to leave school. "Yes, Mrs. Martin?" I quietly sighed.

"I know we just got back from break. But, I noticed that you're nearing failure. You're a bright and smart student, Y/n. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No, I'm okay." I say a little too quickly.

The teacher eyed me a bit and nodded, looking around before looking back to me. "Okay. You can always come to me for help." she spoke as I begin to walk backwards. "I know."

She said the typical 'see you tomorrow' teacher crap. "Au revoir," we both said as I left the classroom. French isn't my first language, as we all know, but I know someone whose is.


Set up my homework on my bed, I pondered at the sight of my French homework. Its some stupid 'make up your own story'. I didn't know what my story was gonna be about. I need help.

Almost annoyed with it, I took my phone to facetime a Supernatural actor, Sebastian Roché, and the line immediately connected.

Sebastian was drinking, no surprise there, but at least he wasn't out. "Hey Seb." I leaned my phone on my bag, moving it to see me in the frame. "Hello darling, how are you?"

"About ready to kick my own ass because of this stupid homework."

"Ah, you sound like your dad. How can I help you out?" he drank.

"I need your knowledge, ya Frenchy."

He acted fake offended after I said it. Then I explained my homework and needing ideas what to write about. "Well, what do you want to write about?"

I shrugged before there was a knock at my door to reveal my dad. "Hey honey, what are thinking of din- is that Sebastian?" He pointed.

My head turned towards my phone and back to my dad. "He's French and you're not." I stated and dad slightly nodded. Sebastian could see him in frame and waved, dad did the same.

"Oh. Now I see." He glanced at the paper.

"Unless you know French then bye bye." I said in a snarky way.

Dad put his hands up and backed out and headed towards the door. "Is there something you want for dinner?" he asked. I shook my head and he left my room.

Sebastian and I continued to work on my homework for a half an hour until he had to leave, which I understood.

By then, it was near the end of dinner. Seemed like pizza was ordered. My parents and brothers were at the kitchen table, talking amongst themselves. "Homework done?"

"Yeah, dad, I'm done. What are y'all talking about?" I took a seat.

"Fletch tells us that there's a father-daughter slash mother-son dance coming up. It seems like a nice thing to do."

"I don't want to go."

Dad leaned back in the chair, taking his hat off for a second to brush back his hair. "Why's that?" He asked. I shrugged, taking a piece of pizza. "You and your famous-ness."

He then sighed, maybe knowing what might happen if he went. The fans... asking for photos, or autographs, or just talking about the cast of Supernatural.

"Honey, of course there will be fans. As much as I love them, all my attention will be on you."

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