Chapter 9

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almost two months later

Its a week away from the dance, and of course I have dresses, but I'd decided to want more.

The group and I went out to buy dresses and tuxedos. Mom gave me some cash for a dress and gas. We all hopped into my car and drove around to get to the mall.

Everything was good with my friends, and with Sky. Not every couple is perfect, having our little fights, but we're content now.

As I was the one driving and Cam being shotgun, he had the aux plugged in. The other there were in the backseat, jamming out to whatever the hell the music is.

Once I drive into a parking lot, and into an open spot, I parked the car. "Okay, how are we doing this? There's womens outfits that way and mens over there," I pointed.

"You four take forever to shop, so how about we look at the mens?" Taylor suggested.

"Wow, okay, damn. You didn't need to expose me." Cam joked.

We all got out of the car and walked over to the mens clothing. "I'll help Tay while you two find an outfit for Cam. plan?" I glanced at all of them as they nodded.

We split up in different directions, Taylor and I looking in a section. "How do you feel with your dad coming to the dance?" Taylor asks as he goes through the racks.

"I feel like we'll be constantly trapped with the students wanting photos and shit. And, thanks to Dylan, most people know that my dad is famous. Also, I don't doubt that the popular girls, who aren't fans, will want a picture just to brag about meeting a famous person."

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that, but we'll be there in case if it's too much." He referred to the group.

"Thanks Tay... hey, look at this."

He walked over to me as I pull the tux off the rack to show it off. "Plan and simple, I like it."

I nod a bit and the both of us walked around to find the others. Cam was trying out a navy blue suit with the girls helping him.

They noticed us and waved us over, checking Cam out closer. "It looks nice, Cam. You should get it." I complemented.

He put his hand over his heart and gave a sarcastic 'awh' face. "Why thanks, Y/n. I thought the same." He eyed the other two.

Addie and Izzy laughed and spouted a 'pft' as they look around. As soon as Cam changed back to his clothes, we walked over and Taylor was nice enough to pay for those suits.

I put the tuxedos in my car as the rest started to walk over to the women's store. Once I entered the store, I wandered over to the short dresses.

Then I thought of what I could do. Some of the Supernatural women of the cast and I made a group chat, because we can, and maybe I could get their opinion on what to wear.

Me: theres a father daughter dance at my school soon and I wanted a new dress, so I'm at the mall now and idk what to wear

I shoved my phone back down in my pockets and continued searching for a bit before I heard a few vibration buzzing.

Felicia: aw! a father-daughter dance sounds really cute!

Kim: whatever you love as long as its not a long dress where you trip on your ass lol

Bri: well, what are you looking for?

Ruth: whatever you decide, deary. You look beautiful in everything <3

Me: that's the thing... I don't know what I want nor looking for. I'm targeting more of the shorter dresses but not short short.

The next ten minutes or so was switching from my phone to looking at dresses. I did pick some dresses out, and I'd promise to send some pictures of them.

I tried on the ones I had, took pictures, and sent them to the group chat. The third one of the four I grabbed might be my favorite.

The four women all said with what they liked about each one, but overall it was whatever I liked the best.

I glanced at all of them closely and chose the last one before I placed the others back on the rack. I thanked the women and went off to look for my friends.

They seemed to be together, having a laugh and having a good time. The thoughts in my head were all non happy, mostly thinking the worst of what might happen at that dance.

I don't want to bring 'em down, so I just checked out and quickly put my dress in my car and sitting in the drivers seat.

Me: I already checked out but I needed to clear my head for a bit, I'll be in the car waiting :P


After I dropped off everyone at their houses with their outfits, I went back home and placed my dress on the bed.

Mom came in and glanced at the outfit, feeling the material of the dress. "Sweetheart, this is such a beautiful dress. Your father will be speechless after seeing you."

"Thanks mom." I mumbled as I pull off the tags.

"Hey, are you okay? Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Hm? Oh, no. I'm okay."

She nodded and kissed the top of my head and told me what were gonna have for tonight before walking away.

I love my parents to death, but they can tend to be too careful? If that makes sense...

The whole dance as me all over the place and has messed up my mind quite a bit.

But, then again, there'll be good parts. Dancing with dad, hanging with friends, jamming out to music. Though, dad will be posting pictures of us on his instagram.

I'm already picturing what the cast might say if they comment.

This actually might be a good thing to do. We'll probably get interrupted by other students, but I know dad will say the right thing.

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