Chapter 3

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With hours of flying, we finally landed. My dad shook me awake and I glanced out the window to see it pitch black. Check my phone to see it be about 2AM.

My dad, Rob, Matt, and I grab our luggage and make our way out of the plane. Going through the airport, we saw a black SUV drive up. We knew it was our car service.

The drive to the hotel was fine, dad checked us in while the other two did the same. We made it to our hotel rooms, I said night to Rob and Matt, and went to sleep.

It's only gonna be just a few hours, but I need my sleep. I'm exhausted.


I arose from my slumber, seeing that my dad has already gone to the convention. It's around 10AM as I checked my phone, getting up and ready. My dad never wakes me up, since I'm older and know where to go.

Showered and dressed, I grab a few things and walked over to the building. Showed the bouncers my pass, and they let me on in through the back.

Before seeing the cast in the green room, I went in the doors to see the stage. It was an R2M panel. I chuckled and walked up to the closet mic stand. "Alright, next question."

"I have a question for Richard." I joked with an accent. "If you were to write a song, what would it be about?"

Dad, Rob, and Matt all saw and knew me so they went along with the joke. "Well... I would write a song about my pain in the ass, beautiful daughter." My dad spoke.

We all laughed and I walk on stage, my dad introducing me. I waved and hugged the guys before heading off back to the green room.

Passed by Jared and Jensen, seeing they're getting ready backstage. Spoke a quick 'hey' and went our ways.

third person pov

R2M answered their last question and they introduced J2 on stage. The crowd went wild and the guys joked around for a bit. Rich heard his phone ringing. "Wait, guys, my wife is calling me."

They crowded was quiet, and the guys were all intrigued. Rich held it up to the mic, answering the phone. "Yello?" he said, putting it on speaker. It was kinda hard to hear her, but not quite terrible.

"Hey. Have you talked to Y/n recently?"

"Not really, why? What's up?"

"Well. Frank tells me that she's getting bullied by a boy at school. Do you about this?"

Rich froze, the boys worried, and the crowd murmured. "Rich? You there?" Jaci asked after a long pause. "Uh, yeah. I'm here." He spoke with a calm voice.

As he takes his phone off the mic and up to his ear, the guys quickly made something up and talked over everything. Rich waved off stage while talking on the phone.

The crowd didn't know what to do, so they just clapped and cheered with 'love you Rich'. Jaci tells Rich about everything she hears. Frank had told his mom everything, including the part of where he's not supposed to tell.

your pov

Laughing with the some of the cast, I see my dad enter the green room as he pockets his phone. "Hey dad" I looked over. I was laying across a couch, my feet rested on Sebastian Roché's lap and my head rested on a pillow.

"Hey sweetie. Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure." I stood up.

Shit. I'm hoping it's not what I think it is. I hear Sebastian chuckle. "You're in trouble" he joked.

I look back and smiled, following my dad just outside the green room. He tells me what he heard from mom who heard from Frank. Damn it, bro.

All throughout his talk, I tried to keep the tears from falling. Sniffling a lot, trying to not have a runny nose. "...and I want to know if it's true and if it is, how long?" he asked calmly.

I wiped my tears, feeling my face go red, and my nose still runny. "T-Two years" I choked. He saw me looking down, letting my tears roll down my face. "Oh honey, come here."

He pulled me into a hug, holding me close, and making me feel safe. It stayed silent until we heard footsteps headed our way, it was Rob and Matt.

Dad planted a kiss on my head before I parted from the hug, going back inside the green room. Sebastian saw that I was crying and got worried. "What happened, darling? Are you okay?"

"N-No." I plopped on the couch, looking directly at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What can I do?"

I shrugged and leaned against him with my head on his shoulder. He puts an arm around me and lets me be comfortable. Then, my dad and the other two walk in.

With half an hour, the whole green room was calm. My dad and Rob went out to host the whole shindig, then Sebastian went out to get ready for his panel. Oh boy.

Jared and Jensen knew the whole thing about me, wondering if I was okay n stuff. But I honestly needed to get out. "Uh, tell my dad I'll be back soon."

I left the room to explore the area, seeing small booths up and runng, people waiting in line for photo ops, and just walking around. I walk up to a booth, getting myself a little Gabriel doll.

While walking around, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I grabbed it and read messages from my friends' group chat. But, I was being clumsy, and walked into someone.

"Oh- I'm so sorry. I should've been watching in front of me."

"No worries. I'm Skylar."


Skylar and I introduced ourselves, and when I said I was a Speight; she wasn't that crazy fan to use me just to get to my dad. "Cool" she said with a smile.

I noticed her outfit, recognizing it to be Lucifer cosplay. "Satan?" I pointed with a chuckle. She looked down and nodded. "I have a thing for angels."

Minutes upon minutes, Skylar and I walked and talked about each other. We're actually hitting it off good. She's a good friend.

I think... I might like her.

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