Chapter 7

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With the sudden coldness waves over me, I glance up to see my dad standing over the bed with the blanket down to my feet. "Rise and shine, Y/n. Get moving."

"Ugh. Did you use a 'Mystery Spot' reference on me?"

"Let's say yes. Now get your ass outta bed and help Bobbo and I with the car."

I sigh and got up, getting dressed quickly and packing my stuff. My phone goes off and as I check it, my boring face turned into a smile. It was a text from Sky.

Going in and out for our bags, dad placed the last one in trunk and closed it. "Alright, is that everything?" Dad asks as he, and Rob, leans against the side of the car.

I look back to the hotel one final time, thinking if I had everything. Unexpectedly – there she was – Sky. She was walking over with a different kind walk.

"No goodbye?"


She pulled me into a kiss for a few seconds before backing out. "I like you, Y/n." She said with a serious tone. I smile and kiss her back with a hand on her cheek. "I like you too, Sky."

We intertwined our fingers, my face lit up big time. It was a moment... until I looked over to my dad and Rob. They were smiling.

Sky directing me back to her, seeing her slowly walk away with our hands separating. My face was blushing as I watch her walk away then looked back to the other two.

"So... is she your new girlfriend?"

"I don't know, I-I-"

"I'm joking with ya, kiddo. Cmon now, lets hit the road."

The three of us hopped in the car and drove off to a new city. This outta be fun.


Back in good old Joseph, Oregon. With it being in the middle of the week, I had a few days to myself and talk to Sky more. I miss her.

The first thing I did when we got home – after greetings– was put my luggage in my room and text Sky that I'm back home.

It was fun seeing the shit they wanted to see even though it was mostly music crap. I don't blame them.

Me: I'm back home :) but I miss you :(
Sky: then lets ft
Me: okayyy

Dialing her up, I propped my phone against something as I see her connecting. Then it was all ready to go. I honestly didn't know what to say to her... our last conversation. The kiss.


"I don't want to sound too straightforward but do you, uh, maybe wanna be together? I'm willing to try long distance if you are."

"Definitely, Sky... its just I miss seeing you."

We both chuckle and smile, her nodding in response. Having a conversation as I start to unpack my stuff and threw it in the hamper.

Beginning to think of friends, its a little weird to not tell my best friends that I'm back home and to tell my new girlfriend first. Eh, I'll tell the gang later.

I started blabbering on about the trip after the convention ended, and said how boring the car ride was and how great to see the attractions.

Sky sat there, smiling, seems like she's really listening to me. Once I noticed, I stopped talking and faced her. "What?" I blushed. She shrugs her shoulders and crinkled her nose.

"You're cute when you blabber on 'n on."

"Says you with that nose scrunched up."

She lets out a 'pft' and denys it, but I agree to disagree. We've been talking for practically the whole night until about 3AM. It was hard to keep quiet while talking to her.


Being woken up by the ruckus, I've decided to accept being awake. About ten minutes later I heard my dad's guitar play.

We didn't land in Oregon until evening so we let Rob stay the night. It could've been either him or dad playing, but loved both their playing and singing the same.

It was a soft melody, obviously, but it was a good tunes. Getting out of bed, I threw on a hoodie and sweatpants. Checking my phone to find out that all of my friends are awake.

And that it was almost noon. Oops?

Walking into the burning light I call the living room, everyone was chilling until their eyes all landed on me. "That's wasn't creepy." I admitted. It was like their heads all turned at the same time.

"You stay up early again?"

"No, I like sleeping in. That's all."

Dad easily doubts it and I knew it, but didn't care anyways. My brothers was the cause of the racket but seemed to calm down. My parents were laying on the couch while Rob was sitting on the floor with the guitar.

Oh, how I remember memories. Specially hearing about Rob looking at my moms bottom accidentally. We all took it lightly and no harm was to come. My dad thought it was hilarious.

I took the empty seat, and instantly pulled out my phone to answer the new notifications. It wasn't much, but then I get a text.

Izzy: now since you're home we should definitely hang out for the whole day
Me: believe me, I would. It's just I've traveled these past days and I'd like a day to myself
Izzy: what about tomorrow?
Me: that depends

I knew what she was doing. Trying to get us to hang out as soon as possible so she stays my best friend. Although it may seem like I'm pushing it back, its true.

Traveling with family is always fun, but it made me mostly restless. A day to settle isn't gonna hurt anyone. She kept texting me about us hanging out 'n shit.

With the soft guitar playing and many electronics going off, I decided to put down my phone. "Hey Robbie, you should sing something."

"Alright. What song?" He stopped strumming and glanced in my direction.

"I don't know, something not as loud and crazy like most of your songs. Medicated?"

"Your wish is my command, princess Y/n."

As he lines up his fingers to the strings, I hushed everyone else. They took the hint to either keep it down or to stop. Though hearing all of Louden Swain's songs, Medicated is in my top 5.

He starts the melody and started singing not long after. Thoughout the song, I got caught up in the moment. Without even knowing, my voice took over and my eyes closed.

I pictured myself on stage, singing the song as a duet with Rob. When the song ended, he strumed the final cord and I opened my eyes.

"That's my girl." Dad looked proud.

"Shut up, this isn't happening again. My voice is terrible and you know it."

I ran off to the kitchen, finding myself something to eat. Pulled out a microwaveable easy meal and popped it in the microwave just as my dad walks in.

Annoyance filled my mind with stuff I've got going on and this ain't helping. "Why do you hide your voice from us, sweetheart? Its so beautiful and you definitely got it from your mother."

He made us both chuckle but I shrug my shoulders as I waited for my meal. "Probably from my insecurity about everything that exists in the world."

"That's very common for girls your age. But, I gotta say... you don't seem that way with Sky."

"Um, that... she... we..."

"Look. I don't know what you are to her, but that girl has a good influence on you. I love you, honey."

He messed with my hair, making us smile, and he headed back to the living room. My body leaned back against the counter, my feet and arms crossed with a sigh.

I knew he was right about Skylar. But he was wrong about my 'beautiful' voice.

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