Chapter 4

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Not realizing we've spent almost an hour and a half together, Skylar and I exchanged numbers and said goodbye - for now. When I returned back to the green room, most heads turn to me.

I held up my Gabe doll, moving the arms up and down. "Can't bother to answer a text message?" My dad joked. That's when I remembered. "I was gonna respond to it but it looks like I forgot."

"That's fine. Where were you?"

"Making a friend."

Just then, my phone vibrates and I glanced to see Skylar's message. I laugh and respond to the text. "Who's that?" My dad raised a brow.

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer, walked over and sat next to my dad. "Where's Rob?" I glanced around. My dad sighed. "Oh, Robbie and the band started playing songs."

Might would've asked why he's not out on stage, but I was too tired to ask. Misha Collins walks in the door, laughing and panting a little.

"Jared and Jensen jumped me in the bathroom and tried to kill me." He said with a great smile.

Misha moves over to let Jared and Jensen in the room. Jensen patted him on the back with a laugh. "He screamed like a girl!" Jared exclaimed.

The boys started to mess around and no one was stopping them. I took my phone and recorded it, warning the boys I'm doing it.

Definitely gonna post this on Instagram when the weekend's over.

Soon enough, they all stop and took a breath to calm down. Took a seat in empty spaces and relaxed. My phone blows up with texts from the group chat.

Cameron: look out bitches I got me a bf
Izzy: you're cheating on me? :(
Taylor: congrats on being the only taken one
Cameron: thanks and definitely not, Iz, I'm still yours 😘
Addie: he better be good to you or else imma kick his ass to the curb
Cameron: no need for that :)
Me: yay for Cammy! We love you 🏳️‍🌈

Izzy and I were friends since toddlers, Cam became our friend in early elementary, and the other joined us in middle school. We all joke that we're each other's couple.

The five of us all text each other for a while until I get a text from Skylar. 'Im going to the karaoke tonight. Are you?' I couldn't not smile at her text. 'Definitely. I'll bring you on stage and we'll sing a song haha' I joked.

Nonstop on my phone, I felt Jared stand over my shoulder. I knew he was reading the messages but I didn't care. I peer over my shoulder with a smile, seeing him turn his head and walk away.

Pretending that I didn't caught him, I kept texting my friends. Can't wait for tonight.


Helping them set up for later tonight, I placed the mic on the stand. My hand kept on the mic while looking out to the empty room.

I never sung in front of anyone before, only in the shower or by myself. I'm afraid of what other people would think.

Knowing that its not miced up, and no one on or near stage, I started singing. "In Case You Don't Live Forever" by Ben Platt – its one of my favorite songs I know by heart.

Once I finished the song, I wiped a tear and went back to work. All of a sudden, I heard claps from nowhere.

My dad, Rob, Matt, J2M, Sebastian, and a few other cast mates revealed themselves. I instantly got embarrassed and nervous. Shit.

"How come I never heard you sing before? You are a talented singer, sweetheart."

"Shut up. No, I'm not."

Then an overload of them talking, saying how good I am and 'you should sing tonight!' But they're just lying. Also... how could they hear me? It's not miced!

I asked the question and they respond with "it was miced in the green room speakers." Crap.

When that bit was over, some of us kept working for tonight. As the clock strucked 7:30PM, the door flew up and fans packing in as close as they could.

We were all backstage, waiting for our super serious dramatic entrance. Notice the sarcasm.

Actually- its more like my dad and Matt's dramatic entrance since they host the Saturday night karaoke. The cast just walk on stage whenever they feel like it.

"Hey hey people!" Matt first spoke after getting on stage.

"We would like to introduce a special guest for tonight! She's talented, beautiful, and a pain in my ass. Y/n Speight!" my dad calls out.

I walk up the mini stairs onto stage, waving out to the crowd. Scanning the room to find Skylar anywhere. I stole my dads mic. "Wow dad, you think I'm a pain?"

Dad just sighs and nods, earning a laugh from the crowd. "But, uh, guys..." I look to both dad and Matt. "I won't be on stage all night." Then I look out to the crowed. "Skylar, you know who you are. Make your way to the front."

My dad and Matt looked confused, seeing how it wasn't planned. It took a bit, but when she made her way up and waved, I gave the mic back to my dad and jumped off the stage.

"Well. Wasn't that surprising?" Matt spoke.

"Yes, Matthew, it was. Almost like it wasn't planned." My dad eyed me.

I made a face to him before he continued speaking. Skylar and I talked before the crowd went nuts when actors came up on stage.

The first song played and everyone joined in on singing. I only hummed throughout. Skylar glances to me, having a smile on her face.

She looks unrecognizable to me since she wasn't cosplaying a character. Also, I don't know why, but I see this as a little date?

One time we both stared at each other and I knew that wasn't a heterosexual thing.

The whole night was fun. Singing, dancing, too many silly costumes and jokes. Even forced me (with Sky) to come up on stage. Both dad and I knew he wouldn't force me to sing, but he just wanted my company.

Skylar sang along though and there was something about her voice – and in general as well – that I love. She knew it too.

When the night was over, I walked out with Sky instead of going back with the cast. Texted dad saying I'll be back soon.

We walk out of the building and sit on the benches outside to talk. I knew most of her basic stuff (age, grade, lives, etc) and vice versa.

"What hotel are ya at?" She asks.

"Holiday Inn Express & Suites"

"You've gotta be kidding- that's where I'm staying too!"

Both getting excited about it, we start walking over to the hotel. It was far but walkable. Once getting to the hotel, we went to her room.

Stayed up for a while talking about the day and what might come tomorrow. Told her about my friend group and she didn't really had anyone to call a friend... but here I am!

I'm so glad I – literally – bumped into her. Not on purpose, obviously.

Life as a SpeightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя