04. Ella-laoshi's Unstoppable, Non-floppable Plan

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It was a fine morning. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. At the teacher's lounge of Youth High, Ella-laoshi was stirring her cup of tea, humming a little tune to herself.

"What a beautiful day to be alive~" she hummed. "What a wonderful day to be-"


Ella-laoshi jumped up at the sound of the door, started out of her good mood.

"ELLA CHEN!" Xukun screamed. "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!"

"Take what?" Ella squeaked, dumbfounded.

Suddenly, Lisa stomped into the lounge like an elephant on a stampede. Her brows were furrowed. Her ears were red. Her breathing was intense. Storming in, she slammed the stack of books on the table.


Ella jumped up at the noise.

Wow, everyone is in a foul mood today.

"Ella," Lisa massaged her temples and she spoke. "I've had enough!"

"Enough of what?" Ella asked, clearly confused.

Just then, Jony J walked in. Ella panicked as soon as she saw his face. Now, Jony J wasn't a guy who liked to openly show his emotions. No, no. He was a passive person. And that was why Ella was literally shaking when she saw that he was wearing a rare frown on his face.

"Oh god!" Ella slumped back on her chair. "What is it with everyone????"

The three teachers turned to her and glared.

"Your ship, Ella," the three of them spoke simultaneously. "Your ship."

My ship? What do they mean- oh!

"Is it who I think it is?" Ella guessed.

"I don't know," Lisa grumbled. "You tell me."

"C'mon, Xiao Li," Ella tried to coax the younger teacher. "They're just kids! I mean, you said it was the same thing how you met your wife!"

"Jennie and I," Lisa sighed exasperatedly. "Jennie and I were much nicer to each other compared to those two."

Ella turned to Kun. The PE teacher grimly nodded.

"What happened?" Ella asked. "Tell me."

"For starters," Kun began. "Shaking was flapping the tennis rackets like a pair of wings, and clucking like a chicken."

Jony J bit back a laugh.

"And then," Kun continued, "she went up to Yu Yan and started clucking at her. Yu Yan got fed up and started hitting the chicken- I mean - Keyin with her racket. The whole PE class, I had to spend time trying to tear those two apart. I didn't even have time to teach!"

"You know what they did during math class?" Lisa groaned. "Shaking was minding her own business, swinging her legs, doing her math problem. But turns out her legs kept hitting the back of Yu Yan's chair. After fifteen minutes or so, Yu Yan got fed up, turned around, took Keyin's math book, and threw it out the window."

All the teachers gasped. Lisa nodded.

"It's true. If I didn't stop her, she would've thrown Keyin out the window as well."

"Actually, Yu Yan isn't like this in my class," Jony J sighed. "She just rolls her eyes at whatever Shaking says. Now I'm worried she's going to roll her eyes out of their sockets! But the thing is, I like discussions. I want them to discuss things. But whenever Shaking opens her mouth, Yu Yan would disagree. Whenever Yu Yan makes a point, Shaking clowns her. It's mutual."

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