14. Meet the Xie Family

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It's been three weeks since that ice cream licking incident and Yu Yan is still plagued by wet dreams.

It's a disturbance, really. On the weekends, she's at Kiki's house. Since she sleeps on the same bed as Kiki, she can't really help herself. On weekdays, she's at Lisa and Jennie's house. She gets the guest room to herself and she could help herself. But the problem is...

... even though she got into all the alcohol and bad friends when she was in middle school, Yu Yan was still a virgin. To put it short, she was way too chicken to start something she didn't know how to finish.

Thinking about her frustrations, Yu Yan sighed to herself wistfully. Shaking, who was sitting in front of her looked up.

"What's the matter, Yanzi?" she asked.

IT'S YOU, SHAKING! YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!! Yu Yan screamed inside her head.

"Nothing," Yu Yan sighed again.

"Hey, don't lie," Shaking said. "What's up?"

"Nothing's up."


Shaking reached over to take Yu Yan's hands in hers. As soon and their hands touched, Yu Yan jolted, startled. Shaking quirked a brow.

"Is my touch that electrifying, Yu Yan?" Shaking mused.

"No!" Yu Yan blushed madly.

"Sure thing."

The two fell into a comfortable silence. Shaking continued to read the new poetry book she bought. Yu Yan found herself glancing at Shaking from time to time, admiring her.

When did we get comfortable enough to hang out like this?

The truth is Shaking's tutoring period ended two weeks ago. But by some random occurrence, meeting every day after school is already set into their biological clocks. They simply can't skip it anymore. Even on days when Shaking was occupied with poetry club, Yu Yan would wait outside for her. Then they would walk home together.

Just like real couples, Yu Yan smiled to herself.

It's not like Yu Yan stopped trying after Shaking rejected her and then friend-zoned her. She really likes Shaking and she's eternally sorry for all the bad things she did to her. Yu Yan has been making up for all of these things in her own love language. It's just that her actions get her a lot of teasing from her friends instead of Shaking's romantic love.

"Whipped," Kiki said as she passed by Yu Yan who was leaning on the wall.

Yu Yan only shook her head and smiled at Kiki's antics. Kiki saw this as an opportunity to tease her further.

"Look at the big and tough Yu Yan," Kiki snickered, "waiting like a sad little puppy for her little crush to come! Isn't that cute?"

"Shut up, Xu Jiaqi!" Yu Yan scoffed. "Didn't you pay for everything Xueer wanted and even carried all the bags for her when we went to the mall that one time?"

"It was only that one time!"

"Oh, so you're not going to carry my stuff for me next time?"

Kiki whipped her head around at the voice of her girlfriend. Behind her stood Kong Xueer, hands folded and unamused.

"Baobei," Kiki put on an innocent face. "I can explain."

"Save your excuses, Xu Jiaqi," Xueer stopped her. "I'm mad at you."

With that, Xueer stomped away angrily. Jiaqi scrambled after her like a lovesick puppy.

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