19. Frolicking on the Beach

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"Keyin, ah!"

Yu Yan squeezed her eyes shut as Shaking peppered feather-light kisses all over her womanhood. Shaking was surely taking her time, enjoying every reaction she juiced out of the top student.

"Mmm! Ngh!" Yu Yan jolted when Shaking licked along her slit.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" Shaking murmured as she licked away, avoiding the throbbing nub where Yu Yan needed her to be the most.

"Keyin!" Yu Yan whimpered as she bucked her hips up, searching for relief.

"Patience, my pretty lion," Shaking laughed as she pulled back. "I'll get there."

Yu Yan whimpered wistfully as Shaking held her hips down. Shaking smirked as she came back up to Yu Yan's torso. Yu Yan gulped.

"Well, since you wanted it so badly," Shaking leaned in closer to her ear. "I just might have to give it to you."

With that, Shaking crawled back down. Yu Yan grasped the sheets in anticipation as Shaking's hot breath lingered near her womanhood.

"Bon appetit."

Yu Yan woke up with a jolt. She opened her eyes and felt around.

Wait, I was dreaming?!?!

Yu Yan groaned. Ever since she began dating Shaking, her wet dreams have come back full force. Actually, they might even be more intense than they used to be. Yu Yan felt the uncomfortable wetness between her legs and sighed.

Oh, well. I guess I'll just finished up in the shower.

Yu Yan decided to get up and get it over with. Outside her bedroom stood a very petrified Jennie, hand mid-knock and scarred for life.


"What's the matter, Nini?"

Jennie suddenly snapped out of her daze and turned to Lisa. The teacher was looking at her with concern in her eyes.

"N-Nothing," Jennie mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Lisa scooted closer to her wife. "Hey, talk to me."

Jennie meekly looked at Lisa and grimaced.

How am I supposed to tell her what happened? Jennie thought.

"Did I do something?" Lisa asked.

"N-No," Jennie stammered.

"Then what's the matter?"

Jennie looked around to see if Yu Yan had come downstairs for breakfast. Seeing no signs of the teenage girl, Jennie leaned in close to Lisa's ear and whispered.

"I heard Yu Yan moan Keyin's name in her sleep," Jennie whispered.

Lisa's eyes bulged out of their sockets. Jennie nodded.

"Yep," Jennie nodded. "She was screaming."

Lisa's eyes widened even more.

"She was also begging."

Lisa thought she was going to die from a heart attack.

"Good morning!" came Yu Yan's voice from downstairs.

Lisa and Jennie jumped up, startled. Yu Yan looked at them curiously.

"You two are acting weird," she said.

"No, no!" Lisa and Jennie said at the same time.

Yu Yan raised a brow.

"Ahem, what we're trying to say is," Lisa cleared her throat. "Jennie and I aren't acting weird."

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