13. Progress at its Finest

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Yu Yan did a full one-eighty.

Chengxuan noticed it lately. To be honest, all of Youth High did. Gone was the scary, mean Yu Yan who rolled her eyes ever-so often. Gone was the Yu Yan who always had a snarky remark for everyone. Gone was the Yu Yan who broke Shaking's nose.

Yu Yan was now a tamed beast.

At first, it was a good kind of change. Chengxuan was happy that Wei Chen can finally court her without Yu Yan murdering the poor simping girl with her eyes. If Wei Chen had enough guts to confess, Chengxuan would have let her a long time ago.

Too bad she's a chicken, Chengxuan sighed to herself.

Also, Yu Yan was nicer to everyone now, especially Shaking. She's basically Shaking's errand girl these days. It's not like Shaking's forcing her to do it. It was pure voluntary simpism.

"Keyin~" Yu Yan coquettishly sang.

"Yes? Yu Yan~" Shaking played along.

"I bought you stuffed buns from the cafeteria~" Yu Yan smiled as she put the bread in front of her. "Which one do you want?"

Shaking's eyes widened.

"Why did you buy so many?!?!?" she exclaimed. "I told you I eat anything!"

"I didn't know what you wanted to eat today," Yu Yan scratched the back of her neck. "So, I bought one of every flavor and stuffing."

"Oh my god!"

In the end, Wei Chen and Chengxuan were the ones who had to finish up the bread buns that Shaking couldn't eat. Chengxuan smiled and shook away the memory. Yu Yan was really something.

"Xie Keyin!!!!"

Chengxuan immediately sat up at the sound of Yu Yan's voice.

So, she's at it again?

Shaking, who was swimming in the pile of papers in her locker, stuck her head out to where the noise came from. She smiled when she saw Yu Yan.

"Hey, Yan!" she greeted.

"Hey~" said Yu Yan with a not-so subtle hair tuck.

Xinwen cringed at the coquettish behavior. Shuxin giggled and nudged Xiaotang. Xiaotang turned around. Xueer pulled Kiki out of her locker and pointed towards Yu Yan and Shaking.

"Wassup?" Shaking asked.

"Not much..." Yu Yan tapped her feet on the ground. "Nothing important."

"Are you sure?" Shaking raised a brow.


"That's odd. You called my name just a second ago and now you're telling me it's not important?"

Yu Yan almost choked on air.

"Huh? Oh!" Yu Yan blushed with another hair tuck. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the convenience store to grab some snacks after school? It's my treat."

Just as Shaking was about to enthusiastically agree to it, Wei Chen came tumbling down the hall.

"Jiejie! There you are!" the teenager panted. "Lisa-laoshi was looking for you!"

"Ah? Really?" Shaking frowned. "Dammit! Is it important?"

Just as Wei Chen was about to reply, Lisa strutted into view. As soon as she saw Shaking, Lisa approached her.

"Keyin! There you are!" Lisa huffed a breath of relief. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"For something important?" Shaking squeaked.

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