06. The Suspension

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Graphic depictions of child abuse and domestic violence.


Cai Xukun has played sports for almost all of his life and coached it for three years. Xukun likes to believe that he's seen it all. He's pretty much a veteran in this area. Front teeth knocked out by a basketball? Xukun has seen it. Broke finger while playing soccer? Xukun has seen it. Bird attack in the middle of a baseball game? Don't ask how, but Xukun has seen it.

But years of all sorts of weird experiences weren't enough to prep Xukun for this one.

It all happened on a sunny school day during PE class at Youth High.

"Class," Xukun said as he rolled out the volleyballs. "Today we are going to practice volleyball.".

"OH YEAH!!!!" Lu Keran pumped her fist.

"BRING IT ON!!!" Shaking hollered.

The other girls just blinked at him and then at Lu Keran and Shaking. Out of the corner of his eyes, Xukun saw Yu Yan roll her eyes. Nevertheless, Xukun just smiled as best he can.

"Well, grab one volleyball each," Xukun gestured. "And we'll start practicing."

Some girls, like Lu Keran and Shaking, ran enthusiastically to get the volleyball. Some girls, like Anqi and Xueer, feigned enthusiasm. Some girls, especially Zihan, stood there, half-asleep. Some girls, especially Chen Jue, stood there and judged everyone really hard.

"Okay class," Xukun gestured to the white line. "Line up along the white line. We'll practice serving."

Xukun proceeded to demonstrate serving techniques. Yu Yan just stood there, rolling the ball between her fingers. Her eyes were not on Xukun, but on someone else...

And that someone else was Shaking.

While Xukun was teaching, Shaking had the ball balanced on her nose. Like a seal. She was even clapping and barking like one. Chen Jue, who was initially standing beside Shaking, inched away from the hideous creature.

Yu Yan rolled her eyes once again.

"Look, Xiaotang!" Shaking happily exclaimed as she spun the ball on her finger. "Can you do this?"

"Of course!" Xiaotang said as she spun the ball on her finger.

Ha, amateurs, Yu Yan thought as she shook her head. I did way better in military school.

"Listen up everyone!" Xukun whistled. "Partner up! We're going to practice!"

Shaking looked around. Xiaotang as been dragged away by Shuxin. Keran was dragged away by Zihan. Yuxin and Anqi were partnered up. So were Xueer and Kiki. Xiai and Chen Jue were together too. And Xu Xin Wen was god-knows-where.

And that leaves...

Right in the middle of the volleyball court stood a very intimidating Yu Yan. Shaking gulped.

Well, I'm officially fucked.

"Shaking, Yu Yan!" XuKun hollered as he blew the whistle. "Pair up quick!"

Yu Yan turned to Shaking. Shaking turned to Yu Yan. Shaking beamed a sunny smile and waved. Yu Yan rolled her eyes. Xukun gave her a stern look.

"Alright, fine!" Yu Yan threw her hands up in the air. "I'll pair up with the clown!"

Like that, Yu Yan stomped over to Shaking. Shaking grimaced at Yu Yan's sour face.

Goodness, she looks like an ogre who ate a lime, Shaking thought.

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