05. Love Begins on Wattpad

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As soon as Yu Yan got home, she flopped down on the bed like a dead fish. School itself was a tiring chore. It was even more tiring when Shaking was present.

Goodness, Yu Yan put her arm on her forehead. Xie Keyin will be the death of me!

Actually, what Yu Yan was saying is true. Shaking loves teasing her. She loves it even more when Yu Yan gets mad. It's ironic how Shaking finds Yu Yan abusing her funny. It's almost as if she were a masochist.

Yu Yan tried to shake the thoughts about Keyin away.

I hate her right? Why is she on my mind 24/7?!?

Yu Yan slapped her own cheeks. She obviously had better things to do to than to think about that clown. Shaking her thoughts away, Yu Yan got up out of bed.

Time to do homework.

Yu Yan pulled out her textbooks and her notebooks.

Where should I begin?

She pulled out her laptop and double-checked her to-do list.

1. Math
2. English
3. Chem lab report
4. Bio (pg. 280-290)
5. Social studies (pg. 345-360)
6. Smash Shaking's head for stealing my hanky and putting it up on the flagpole.

Yu Yan squinted at number six and let out an angry grunt. Shaking's "harmless" little prank got her fuming the whole day. Besides, it became the talk of the school.

"Yu Yan has a flowery hanky!"

"I know right? I didn't expect that she would!"

"Oh my god! She's a softie!"

A shiver ran down Yu Yan's spine. She had to endure everyone's teasing the whole day. Of course, Shaking was reprimanded by the principal for messing with the flagpole. But did the class clown care? Nope! She was smirking teasingly at Yu Yan the whole day.


Yu Yan threw her hands up in the air. Her math homework was starting to look a little messy. The top student sighed in frustration.

I better distract myself before my math homework turns into trash!

Yu Yan pulled herself together and checked the time on her phone. It was five o'clock in the evening.

Well, just one chapter won't hurt.

Yu Yan decided to scroll through her Wattpad notifications.

Ah! She updated new chapters! Shit! I'm so behind!

Yu Yan immediately tapped on the Clexa fanfiction to pick up from where she left off. Before even reading the chapter, she pressed the vote button. Then, she proceeded to read the fanfiction.

Woah, Yu Yan blushed as she finished up one chapter. The smut was hard core! Damn!

Yu Yan read on. And on. And on. Soon she was on her third chapter.

Just one chapter, my ass, Yu Yan chuckled to herself.

Yu Yan about to add a comment on a particularly funny part where the main character facepalmed after hearing a TMI about her friends' sex life when she saw that someone had beat her to it.

Me too, Lexa, me too.

Yu Yan knew who this Chloe_Tiger05 person was. She was all over the comment sections of Clexa fanfics. The top student felt obliged to reply to this very popular fanfic reader.

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