Chapter 47

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I woke the next morning to an empty bed and I get up and call for Adam. He yells out from the bottom of the stairs and I walk down the stairs. He says what's up baby? I say nothing just woke up and you were gone. He said he was in the office. I nod my head and remember how stressed he has been lately. I think of ways that I can take his mind off it.

I say to him come on let's make breakfast. So, we walk into the kitchen. I set the ingredients out to make pancakes while Addy starts the coffee.

Once we have had breakfast Addy says how about we go out for a while. See what we can find. I nod my head thinking that will help him relax. We wonder upstairs together to get dressed.

We jump into Addy's car and he opens the garage with his remote that we have on our keys. He reverses out and I watch the garage close then the gate. We drive off down the street not really knowing where we are going.

We end up in California and we went to Alcatraz. I love all the history stuff. I take many pictures on my phone. I find it interesting that not many people escaped.

After that we start the journey back home and just talk about Alcatraz and the history surrounding it. We stop at a restaurant for dinner on the way home.

We walk in hand in hand and a waiter says to Addy Can I help you? Adam says table for 2 please a bit secluded. He nods his head and says follow me gentleman. We follow him to a table and Adam pulls a chair out for me then pulls his closer to mine. He puts his hand on my thigh as we look at what we want to order.

I find what I want to order and put my menu down and Adam looks up and says What are you getting babe? I say I'm going to get chicken schnitzel with chips and gravy. Okay so I can make that at home but that's just what I felt like. I didn't like some of the stuff on the menu anyway so I thought that would be a safer option. Adam nods his head and says yeah sounds good I might have the same.

We order what we want and just sit in silence until it comes. I look up at Adam and say thank you for today I really enjoyed myself. I like spending time with you. I know you can't when you go on tour but it's just that when I'm alone I can't help but think you don't love me anymore. Addy squeezes my thigh and says I will never stop loving you baby. How about we make a deal that every weekend we are home we will go for drives and just explore places. We might even be able to stay overnight somewhere. Make a weekend of it. I nod my head and jump into his arms. That's the way we spent the rest of dinner me sitting on his lap.

After dinner we continued the journey home. By the time we got home I was stuffed and so was Addy so I made him go up and find a movie we can watch. I walked into the kitchen and made 2 hot chocolates and got some donuts on a plate. I put them all on a tray and carry them up to the theatre room. I walked in and find Addy laying on the lounge. He had put on The Conjuring, which was just starting. Addy looked up and says thank you so much babe. I hand him his hot chocolate and say its ok. Just thought we both need to relax. We have had a long day and we have had so many weeks of something on every day. We both need this, I think. Adam nods his head and says that we do. Can't wait to go away so we can relax and not have people annoying us. I love my family and our friends, but it can just get annoying when they always want me for something. I nod my head and say Yeah, I know babe, but we can't turn our back on them.

The next day we just spend doing the bits and pieces around the house that we need to do. Before we know it it's time for dinner, so I ask Addy if he wants to order and have an easy night as we are both tired.

Adam goes and orders dinner for us then walks over to me saying won't be long babe, I nod my head and say ok I will get the things we need out and put them in the theatre room so we can watch a movie while eating.

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