Chapter 19

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Tommy's POV

As we left the doctors room at the hospital I felt really happy more then what I have felt in months as maybe tonight Addy and I can get back to normal and not have this Sauli business and this Liz business hanging over our heads not to mention the not taking my medication which reminds me we haven't really spoken about it we have just let it be. I really think that we need to talk about it but that can wait. I just want to spend tonight with him and not worry about anything else.

When I look out the window as we were driving out of the hospital parking lot I noticed Addy turned a different way so I asked him and he said that he had plans. He also asked if I felt up to it and if I didn't then we could go home. I turn to him with a smile on my face and say "oh don't you dare Mr Lambert or you won't get any of this body of mine". He burst out laughing as I finish saying that and I can't help but laugh myself. God it feels good joking around like this with Addy.

As we are driving along I zone out and remember when we first came out as a couple I pinched Adams bum and he squealed. I was rolling around on the floor in laughter when he did that. I was pulled from my thoughts of the past when I felt a hand on my thigh and gently squeezing it a bit. I look over at Addy and grab his hand in mine. I smile over at him and he says "what are thinking about babe"? I say "just when we came out as a couple and I pinched you on the arse. You squealed and I was laughing so hard I was rolling around the floor. I just like how we can joke around with each other sometimes. It feels good as we are not so serious all the time. I like joking around with you". He squeezes my hand and says "yes that was funny and I like joking around with you too babe, I hate being serious all the time. I like to have fun with you too, especially in the bedroom". He winks over at me when he says that. I can feel my face turn red from just thinking about that.

We drove along with Addy's hand still in mine until we pull up to a nice restaurant that I have never seen before. It looks expensive and I look down at my Queen shirt I had on that I borrowed from Adams wardrobe. He looks over at me as he turns the car off and says "don't worry your gorgeous head over this I have it covered OK". I nod my head and he leans over and kisses my lips and says "wait there I will be 1 minute OK then I will help you out".

Adams gets out and walks around to the back and rummages for something in the back. He opens my door not even a minute later and he hands me a nice button up shirt that was also his but I stole too. It's lucky I wore my good jeans not my ripped skinnies. The jeans I actually have on are the ones Adam likes. I bought them a while ago for something that I was planning for Adam.

I hop out and he hands me the shirt that I put on over my t-shirt. We walk into the restaurant hand in hand and as we get to the maître d I see him scowl looking at us as if he has never seen 2 gay men walk into the restaurant like bitch don't judge. Adam looks at him and says booking for Lambert please and kindly don't look down at my fiancée and I like that. My fiancée doesn't need it. He has been very unwell of late and this is his first time out since he came out of hospital last week. He nods his head and grabs 2 menus and says "kindly please follow me". Adam grabs my hand and pulls me into his side and puts his arm around me. He looks over at me and says "You OK baby"? I nod my head and smile at him and say "yeah I'm OK just can't wait to get you alone in our bedroom". He smiles at me was just about to reply when the waiter stopped at our table. Adam pulled my chair out and made sure I was comfortable before he sat down himself.

The waiter left the menus on the table and said your waiter will be here to take your orders shortly. Adam nods his head and when the waiter walks away he move his chair closer to mine so he can have his hand on my lap or more like in my lap.

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