Chapter 21

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Tommy's POV

After we walked around the hotel and grounds and the private beach we walk back to our room when Adam pulls his phone out. Adam grabs his keys and says "let's go find somewhere for lunch". I grab his keys and put my arms around his waist and I say "how about I drive and we can find somewhere to have lunch".

After we have gotten back onto the road again we are just driving along looking for somewhere to stop when I feel a hand on my thigh. I put my hand on top of Addy's and look at him and say "baby I really want to thank you for doing this for me and I know I don't deserve it after what's happened the past couple of months ever since you went to Australia and I couldn't go with you but thank you so much for doing this and making sure that I am relaxed and OK. I really love you". He squeezes my thigh and says "I love you too and I will do anything to make sure that you are OK, I can't lose you Tommy you are my life".

When Addy told me he wanted me happy because I was his life he looked over at me and said I know it's been a couple of months since you stopped taking your medication and you have been doing well but I think you should go back on it. I know you stopped it when Sauli kept sending you those pictures but that is behind us and I really want you happy. I think when we ring Louis we should ask him if you can start again. I look over at him for a minute and say OK if need be I will start back on them and I am sorry for stopping them, I just thought that I had lost my soulmate so why should I take them to make me happy. I didn't want to life if I couldn't have you. It's been like that since before we started going out but you taught me throughout the years that you love and will always love me no matter what happens and I thank you for that. Addy squeezes my hand a bit harder.

We drive along a bit further until we spot a quaint little cafe and Addy says let's try there. I pull in and jump out to walk over to Adams side but by the time I got out he was out and was at the front of the car. I grab Adams hand and we walk into the cafe hand in hand where a waitress comes up to us and says can I help you gentlemen. Adam says yes a table for 2 please can we have one that is semi private please. She nods her head and leads us to a table that was away from all the others. There is only 1 other table near us that only 1 other person sitting at it whom is on the phone.

Adam pulls my chair out for me and seats himself once I'm comfortable. He pulls his chair over closer to mine and puts his hand on my thigh. The waitress comes up to us to take our order and Addy orders for both us because he knows what I like and I don't really mind at all. We both just get a plain hamburger and chips with a coke each.

As we are waiting for our meal my phone rings and it's an unknown number. I answer it and this voice answers it's your sister thank God I finally got your right number. I tense up when I hear her voice and Addy runs his hand up and down my thigh trying to relax me. I ask her what she wants and she says I was just wondering how you were getting on whether or not your married or not yet. I say to her you would know. She says no I don't seen as though mum went to jail for God only knows what. I say to her "if she didn't help Adams ex-boyfriend kidnap me then she would never have gone to jail. She deserved it after what she did to me all my life". I feel tears come to my eyes when she says that. Adam takes the phone from my hand and puts it on speaker and he says to me babe who is it. I tell him it's my sister and he says to her how did you get this number and why are ringing him you haven't spoken to him in well over 6 months why now. She says an old friend of yours gave it to me and I just rang to see how he was and if you were married yet. Adam says to her it's none of your business and I would appreciate if you didn't contact either of us again. He hangs up and pulls me into his arms and whispers its OK baby I'm here she can't get to you I will not let her. I put my head in his neck soaking up his warmth and that all familiar smell of his.

Once I have calmed down we break apart and eat our lunch but he leaves his hand on my thigh. When we have finished we just sit there for a bit just thinking. I think back to what my sister said about mum and I think I want to tell her once and for all but I can't.

Adam grabs my hand and says come on babe let's go back to the hotel and relax. I look up at him and say can we write a song please I have something in mind but I need your help. He looks at me after he settled me in my seat and he says sure babe do you have the name in mind and I can think about the lyrics on the way back to the motel. I look at him and say I want to tell mum and my sister that I'm grown up. He says OK how about there I said it as a name. I look at him and say that's brilliant thank you. On the way back to the hotel I am just looking out the window as ever since I spoke to my sister I have felt really down and out of sorts but I don't tell Adam as that will make him worry even more about me.

Once we get back to the motel Adam pulls me into the bedroom and he says to me "babe I will run you bath and we can relax then we can write the song". I nod my head and sit on the bed to take my shoes off. I then take my jeans off, shirt and my boxers. I walk into the bathroom to see Adam leaning over the spa bath. He stands up as I walk in so I walk up to him and put my arms around his waist. I snuggle into his back and he puts his hands on mine and says to me "you OK babe you have been very quiet since your sister rang you? Did she say something to upset you or is it just talking to her"? I let go of him and he turns in my arms and I just cuddle into him even more and I say "both really and I'm sorry I can't help it when she started talking about mum and what she did with Sauli. I just keep thinking about it and I know I need to stop but I can't". He kisses the top of my head and he says "its OK we will have a relaxing bath then write this song".

After we have our bath I just put a pair of boxers on as the room is warm and Adam and I settle on the lounge to write this song. Adam has his notebook out that he writes in and once he is settled on the lounge he pulls me to sit between his legs and relax which I do. He looks at me and says "OK first is, are you happy with the title"? I look up at him and say "yes I love it". He nods his head and writes it at the top of the page.

He sits there deep in thought for a bit but then he turns to me and says OK I think I have some "how about we go I'm a grown ass man and am sick and tired of living in your shadow"? I think for a bit then say yeah I like that. We fall silent again and I just look outside at the beach and when I look back Adam is furiously writing in the pad. I look at what he has and when I read it I think of the notes for the music. Next thing I know he has written the whole song and he hands me the pen and pad so I can go over it. I start writing the notes to the music on another page until I have my guitar so I can put it all together. Adam looks at me and he says "hold on for a bit babe I will be right back". I lean forward so he can get out and he walks into the bedroom. He comes back in with my beloved guitar and I can't help the tears that come to my eyes when I see it as I know that he thought of everything including my guitar.

When he comes back and hands it to me I pull it out and look at the pad then start strumming it to the notes on the pad. Once I have that down pat he takes the pad from me and turns back to the page that he wrote the words on. I play the music again and Adam sits there singing the words. About 2 hours later we have the words and music down pat.

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